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Daily Rewards

So this might have already been suggested but I havent checked, so my idea is to make it to where of you have something like "FRG" in your name you can get like 500-1000 coins or a gun every 24 hours

Yeye that's all

While I do think advertisement are good, our player base is a lot different from Moat or those other servers. It isn't a very fair system to force someone to advertise you if they want extra benefits, so I don't think its a good idea.

Yeah I don't really want to force our players to advertise FRG for bonuses. That's kinda shady to do in my opinion, but on the flip side, we could use any kind of extra boost right now. So it's tough to say really. I'm not fully against it, more so up to you guys.

Honestly, if it gets more people to come and experience FRG, I'm for it. It's not like coins are hard to get so people don't really need to have it in their name to be included. I heard moat's bonus is the equivalent to rubies on here and that sounds like it would make getting VIP for dedicated people a fairly nice bonus.

I'd personally be 200x less likely to check out a server if I saw a ton of people with the same thing in their name even if it was the servers name.
It gives me a negative view of that playerbase if it's full of people who are willing to do that, specifically that server being referred to and especially for a bit extra $ in the server. They basically own you at that point.

As much as you could compare FRG to some kind of a cult, the fact that we've never felt the need to do that and other servers have is amazing/interesting to me.

It's absolutely fine if people start doing it here because they enjoy the server and want to represent. Just not a fan of it being for some kind of reward

I'd much rather see incentives to invite new friends to play on the server, though I can see how it could be easily exploited.

(03-09-2019, 07:03 PM)Fuzzy "Mc-Cones" Mcnomnoms Wrote:  I'd much rather see incentives to invite new friends to play on the server, though I can see how it could be easily exploited.

Don't we have members referred? Why not have on membership have the referrer and referred get some bonus when the person is a member? Most games do that now-a-days, Paladins is the first thing I thought of.

When the referrer and referred are playing at the same time, they get more XP.
Or an XP bonus item that give everyone 1.5x XP for an hour of play time.
Get 20 Gift Crates. (Something large that there is a good chance the referred could get some inventory slots)
Straight inventory slots, like 10 or something.
A free Nontradable Railgun/Thrakos/Tartarus. If they extinct it then it becomes tradable.
(Just ideas off the top of my head)

There is a lot of ways to incentivise folks to invite people. If someone is exploiting the system then why not make an example out of them? This could help FRG grow, hell get newer folks over the hurdle and have them stay longer.

I personally am for a concept of rewarding players for having FRG in their name. Any kind of advertising is good advertising and I doubt many long standing players would mind adding it if it meant helping the server and getting freebies as you do so.

I don’t like the idea, especially since our server rules mention “no advertising” and we actively censor names. Comes off as a little hypocritical.

- That Thrakos Noob

(03-11-2019, 01:10 AM)Unpoke Wrote:  I don’t like the idea, especially since our server rules mention “no advertising” and we actively censor names. Comes off as a little hypocritical.

No actively advertising, as in talking about the other servers, telling people to go to them, etc. We censor website names for much more than advertising, we censor them to help protect our players from malicious links. This would be the equivalent of clan tags. [FRG] to show you're apart of a community. It's not nearly the same thing as having a website in your name, or actively telling people about a server/website in-game. We do not censor clan tags, and never have, unless you guys shifted the rules to not allow clan tags, which I'd say is fair, but I don't agree with it as we never used to stop that before, we only told people to stop talking about other servers in-game, or remove website links from their names, for years that's how it was. We never had an issue with other servers directly making people advertise their website in their users names though until recently, which is NOT the same as a clantag.

NTG simply allowed you to put [NTG] in your name if you were a member, and tons of people did that, for no reason other than to show support, don't you guys remember?

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