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I'm probably in the minority but Ive never really liked bhopping and I never liked the idea of people doing it in TTT. In my opinion it just doesn't belong in TTT and it gives players who can do it a pretty big advantage. Mobility pretty much doesn't matter if u can zoom across the map. I understand why people like it I just find it annoying on TTT. I definitely don't think it should be allowed in events though.

You know, I bhop a lot and have experiences in kz'ing on 1.6, source and csgo (295 longjump flex on GO :3). Bhopping is a good thing imo but not when you can run at near mach speed by capping your fps. Getting that extra 20-30 velocity is nice and is what I would consider fair. Once you start going over 80, it gets problematic. It's nigh impossible to legit get that much speed without having to resort to external cheats or of course, capping your fps. Sure, it's easy to tell everyone to get good and learn how to bhop but even for me, that is experienced in jumping mechanics, it's hard to chain over 6-7 jumps because of how finnicky Gmod is. I don't know how frg should deal with bhopping tbh, it's hard to say when your skill should be rewarded and when it just becomes unfair to others.

Generally we don't ban or punish for mechanics that are a part of GMODs engine. The exception to this was the anti-crouch jumping method, because crouch jump binds made playing against some people REALLY frustrating, and its an issue exclusive to GMOD, while bhopping is universal across most source engine games really.

Can't detect jumps using mousewheel server-side, but I can detect it clientside, but I don't think I'd do anything involving that at all.

I could probably make a system to cap bhopping velocities though.

yeah, that would probably be the best solution, csgo forces you to slow down if you exceed a certain amount of velocity. It could factor in your gun mobility if possible.

(12-10-2018, 05:04 AM)Brassx Wrote:  Generally we don't ban or punish for mechanics that are a part of GMODs engine. The exception to this was the anti-crouch jumping method, because crouch jump binds made playing against some people REALLY frustrating, and its an issue exclusive to GMOD, while bhopping is universal across most source engine games really.

Can't detect jumps using mousewheel server-side, but I can detect it clientside, but I don't think I'd do anything involving that at all.

I could probably make a system to cap bhopping velocities though.

that would be awesome but what about for guns that give mobility,
say you get a kill with primary with mobility and secondary with mobility, those give you A LOT of speed. so would the system affect those gun?

Having been on both sides of the spectrum, it is absurd just to remove a source engine mechanic from the game. If bhopping is so destructive, we might as well remove +mobility on kill, mage, blink, warrior dash, and crouch jumping in general. I can go 800+ velocity just using mage and no one is talking how destructive it is or how it "breaks your hitboxes". People are exaggerating how fast you go for bhopping. You gain around 200 velocity if you are lucky with you're jumps, timing, and you didn't doublestep on any jumps. Limiting your velocity can be a possibility but it would break other things like classes and traits. If bhopping were to be banned/restricted, then you have to restrict people's freedom of changing their maximum fps (fps_max). It is significantly harder to bhop in 60+ frames than 30.81, 34.6, and 38.6. This would sadly stop true bhoppers having fun dodging bullets (which is one of the reasons why people bhop), going faster and bhopping in general. I guess one benefit from restricting players from changing fps_max is it's easier to find bhop scripters.

(12-10-2018, 05:27 AM)Glazz Wrote:  If bhopping is so destructive, we might as well remove +mobility on kill, mage, blink, warrior dash, and jumping in general.

Not even Evel Knievel can make that leap in logic. With manipulating the source engine is equal to ingame traits, T/D tools, too jumping itself.

(12-10-2018, 06:06 AM)Beebee1303 Wrote:  
(12-10-2018, 05:27 AM)Glazz Wrote:  If bhopping is so destructive, we might as well remove +mobility on kill, mage, blink, warrior dash, and jumping in general.

Not even Evel Knievel can make that leap in logic. With manipulating the source engine is equal to ingame traits, T/D tools, too jumping itself.

sry crouch jumping*. So lemme get this straight:
Jumping+strafing left and right=manipulating source engine (destructive)
Jumping+warrior=just a feature :^) (not destructive)
Jumping+mage levitation=just a feature :^) (not destructive)
Ignore the shit quality and my movement. I big tired and bad shush.


just remove jumping like rainbow six Big Grin

or (i dont know if you can)
add 5 seconds cooldown after jumping.

So lets punish people who took the time to practice and learn this. And you act like skill based movement is a bad thing, when its really those who complain about bhopping who cant aim in the first place and just use this as something else to complain about. Instead of just complaining about people that are better than you, why dont you just practice and learn it yourself?

So as far as what I believe should be done, it's nothing, it doesn't hurt anything and in my experience it doesn't really make the game any harder with those who do bhop.

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