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Piam Revenge RDM and Leave

Steam Name of Offending Player: STEAM_0:0:70036128

Steam ID of Offending Player: Piam2900

Map the event happened on: ttt_community_pool

Date of event: 10/18/18

What Happened?: The Ts were stalling and Skelecan figured that Piam was a T. So Skelecan was following him around and Piam was getting pretty pissy. So Skelecan was telling him to just shoot, which Piam shot Skelecan. Then Skelecan killed him and he was a T. After that Piam was very mad and telling Skelecan that he can't just follow him. Next round Piam was saying "I will kill you cause I will know you're a T." I was telling don't and it would be revenge RDM. When the start of the round Piam shot Skelecan and kill him. Skelecan was a T and reported him. Piam said in the report, "i did i will get a slay i am not to upset if i get banned so be it."

Witnesses: Skelecan, Ace, Emma, Mousey, Turquoise, Ban the Undead Bandit, Siglings, .Sokiri

I do have video of the deathseance of him gunning down Skelecan, but I don't really want to upload it. I'll do it if needed to.

How’s it revenge rdm if Skelecan didn’t shoot Piam first. He was kinda just following him
Wouldn’t it just be rdm on Piam’s part when he rdmed Skelecan

(10-18-2018, 06:25 PM)edit1o Wrote:  How’s it revenge rdm if Skelecan didn’t shoot Piam first. He was kinda just following him
Wouldn’t it just be rdm on Piam’s part when he rdmed Skelecan

well its revenge rdm in the sense he did it to get back at him for killing him the round before

Hopefully he will learn his lesson in a week. Banned for 1 week. Closed.
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One week is too little for this punishment, generally it is a month up to a permanent ban and he knew he did it with being disrespectful.

I'm raising it up to two months, need to learn that he will be held accountable for his actions and that he won't just get off easy for being upset.

I don't agree with that either eclipse. He isn't just some noob who came on to cause trouble. He's been playing for a few weeks now so he isn't just here to cause trouble. His feelings just got the better of him, and he should be punish for it but it should also be taken into account that this is first major offense and the first time he's caused a problem from what I've seen.

I personally feel like he should be given a stern warning, 3 day ban, and just be watched closely.

(10-19-2018, 10:09 AM)tobooasxz Wrote:  I don't agree with that either eclipse. He isn't just some noob who came on to cause trouble. He's been playing for a few weeks now so he isn't just here to cause trouble. His feelings just got the better of him, and he should be punish for it but it should also be taken into account that this is first major offense and the first time he's caused a problem from what I've seen.

I personally feel like he should be given a stern warning, 3 day ban, and just be watched closely.

Quote:He isn't just some noob who came on to cause trouble.

That makes this offense more serious. He knows the rules, he chose to break them and accept a ban. Actions have consequences. If this is brushed off, it sends a very poor message that people can get away with doing things like this. Which is not the case. Knowing the rules and choosing to break them is a much more serious offense than some newb not being fully sure of the rules, and breaking them.

I support Eclipse's mindset behind it, though 2 months might be a little long.

Nothing stopping him from posting a ban appeal, and if it goes well the ban length can be lowered.

Ban has been increased to two months, if he wants to be appeal he can. He knew what he did was wrong.


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