10-18-2018, 05:52 PM
Steam Name of Offending Player: STEAM_0:0:70036128
Steam ID of Offending Player: Piam2900
Map the event happened on: ttt_community_pool
Date of event: 10/18/18
What Happened?: The Ts were stalling and Skelecan figured that Piam was a T. So Skelecan was following him around and Piam was getting pretty pissy. So Skelecan was telling him to just shoot, which Piam shot Skelecan. Then Skelecan killed him and he was a T. After that Piam was very mad and telling Skelecan that he can't just follow him. Next round Piam was saying "I will kill you cause I will know you're a T." I was telling don't and it would be revenge RDM. When the start of the round Piam shot Skelecan and kill him. Skelecan was a T and reported him. Piam said in the report, "i did i will get a slay i am not to upset if i get banned so be it."
Witnesses: Skelecan, Ace, Emma, Mousey, Turquoise, Ban the Undead Bandit, Siglings, .Sokiri
![Full sized Picture Image](https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/942834527349358297/3CB63B5AE772BB5018F421C222AA87BDB3719F65/)
![Full sized Picture Image](https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/942834527349357942/2B203AF1C9C619376E38D17D3802684F057250F1/)
![Full sized Picture Image](https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/942834527349356943/BA0B682698D2102694F7D8AE28214E2DBC8B2BEF/)
![Full sized Picture Image](https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/942834527349357308/1466EDF21F3E61C3B998DEEDBBA74520A36F7BFC/)
I do have video of the deathseance of him gunning down Skelecan, but I don't really want to upload it. I'll do it if needed to.
Steam ID of Offending Player: Piam2900
Map the event happened on: ttt_community_pool
Date of event: 10/18/18
What Happened?: The Ts were stalling and Skelecan figured that Piam was a T. So Skelecan was following him around and Piam was getting pretty pissy. So Skelecan was telling him to just shoot, which Piam shot Skelecan. Then Skelecan killed him and he was a T. After that Piam was very mad and telling Skelecan that he can't just follow him. Next round Piam was saying "I will kill you cause I will know you're a T." I was telling don't and it would be revenge RDM. When the start of the round Piam shot Skelecan and kill him. Skelecan was a T and reported him. Piam said in the report, "i did i will get a slay i am not to upset if i get banned so be it."
Witnesses: Skelecan, Ace, Emma, Mousey, Turquoise, Ban the Undead Bandit, Siglings, .Sokiri
I do have video of the deathseance of him gunning down Skelecan, but I don't really want to upload it. I'll do it if needed to.