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Halloween Suggestions

Halloween is around the corner, so I thought I share my suggestions.


Primordial Shotgun
Accuracy: -30%
Clip: -6

Damage: +25%
Firerate: +30%

Mobility: -10%
Stability: -60%

Trait: Upon a rightful kill with one shot, your mobility and reload speed goes up by +20%
If you don't get a rightful kill, your mobility and reload speed decreases by -10%

Godlike M4A1-S(Base Weapon: M16)
Accuracy: +15%
Damage: +20%
Firerate: +30%

Mobility: -5%
Stability: +10%
Reload Speed: -20%
Deploy Speed: -5%

Trait: Has a 1 in (10 - 20) chance to give the target nightmares. (The target will start to see things and hear things.)
If you get a rightful headshot kill, your next clip will not let the target to speak (no voice chat, for 15 seconds) and slow them down. (-8% Mobility, and this does not stack.)

Primordial Enhanceable Tier
Accuracy: +10% - +20%
Clip: -2 - +3
Damage: +15% - +30%
Firerate: +10% - +20%

Mobility: -5% - +5%
Stability: -10% - +15%
Reload Speed: -10% - +10%
Deploy Speed: -15%
Trait: Has a 1 in (10 - 19) chance to make the target's vision blurry

Legendary Tier
Accuracy: +10%
Clip: +2
Damage: +10%
Firerate: +10%

Mobility: -15%
Stability: -20%
Reload Speed: -10%

Godlike Mini-uzi
Accuracy: +20%
Damage: +5%
Firerate: +20%

Mobility: -10%
Stability: +20%
Reload Speed: -20%
Deploy Speed: -10%

Trait: Has a 1 in (10 - 20) chance to go on a rampage. (If proc your mobility will be boosted by +10%, your damage will be boosted by +10%, and your firerate will be boosted by +5%. This will last for 10 seconds, once the timer is up, you will go back to normal, but your mobility will go down by -10%, and your Accuracy will decrease by 20% when you are in the cooldown period. This cooldown period will last 20 seconds.)

Godlike Double Barrel Shotgun (Base weapon: Shotgun)
Accuracy: +10%
Clip: -6
Damage: +25%
Firerate: +20%
Mobility: +10

Stability: -30%
Reload Speed: -40%
Deploy Speed: -10%

Trait: Has a 1 in (9.4 - 14.4) chance to make you go berserk. (If proc, you will be able to punch everyone to death, dealing 25 damage every time you punch someone. You will also gain +20 Mobility as well, but you can't use any of your guns except your fist when you are in berserk. This last 15 seconds, and when the timer is up you will gain all of your weapons back but you would lose -40 hp.)


Unlikely Melee
Damage: +22% - +19%
Firerate: +10% - +5%

Mobility: -20%

Bloody Sledge Hammer
Primordial Melee
Damage: 25%
Firerate: -10%
Mobility: -20%

Range: +15%

Primordial Melee
Damage: 30%
Firerate: -25%
Mobility: +5%
Range: -20%

Possessed Hatchet
Godlike Melee
Damage: 17%
Firerate: 20%
Mobility: 10%
Range: 15%

Ability: If you hold right click, it will charge up, the more you charge up the hatchet, the farther the hatchet goes when you throw it. If you hit the target, the hatchet will come back to you. If you missed the target, you will take 10 damage, and the hatchet will not come back to you.(Meaning you have to go over and pick it back up to use it) (This only deals 30 damage if its fully charged)


Orb of Souls
Godlike Orb
This orb is used to capture lost souls, but it is broken.
Every time you get a rightful kill, the orb gains +10 charges.
The maximum amount of charges in this orb is 60 charges.
Once the orb is fully charged you can use it to get a total of 150 Health, or you can use it as a grenade to deal 80 damage.
If you use the orb as a way to get health, or to deal damage, the orb will lose all of it's charges and you won't be able to charge it up again.

Survivor's Shoe
Primordial Misccellaneous
This shoe seems to be possessed...
If have 30% of you health left, your tenacity grows. (You will gain 15% more mobility)

Primordial Misccellaneous
This pumpkin is ready for harvest!
Mobility: -10%
(You can use this to throw at people to deal 30 damage, you can throw up to 10 Pumpkins)

Those are some serious negative stats. Looks cool, though. The orb doesn't seem very useful. Maybe I don't understand it well though.

Would be interesting to see a "bloody" modifier to certain melees to get some different stats or bonuses

I feel like that's a nicer way to branch out different types of weapons rather than a straight upgrade

(09-27-2018, 03:04 PM)Terran Wrote:  Those are some serious negative stats. Looks cool, though. The orb doesn't seem very useful. Maybe I don't understand it well though.

I didn't want to make the guns too overpowered.

Basically what the orb does is that if your have it in your loadout, everytime you get a rightful kill, the damage of all the weapons you have in your loadout increases by 1%, and the charge in the orb shows it. (Every time you get a kill the orb charge goes up by 5 charges to show that the damage increase to your guns has been applied.) Once the orb is completely charged, and you get another rightful kill, the orb will lose all of its charges (and you lose all of your damage buff), and you won't be able to charge it up again. The same thing that goes for the part where if you don't get a rightful kill, but without the "not being able to charge it up" part

(09-27-2018, 04:00 PM)Kuro Wrote:  Would be interesting to see a "bloody" modifier to certain melees to get some different stats or bonuses

I feel like that's a nicer way to branch out different types of weapons rather than a straight upgrade

I wasn't really going for that, but sure why not?

Maybe if it does get added, every time you drop a sledge hammer, it has a chance of obtaining the bloody modifier.

How many pumpkins can you throw?

(09-27-2018, 05:16 PM)Black Parade Wrote:  How many pumpkins can you throw?

I was going to add that you can only throw one, but I'm gonna let brass decide if this get added. (Pretty sure he's gonna only allow you to throw only one lol)
But if he is gonna allow you to throw more than one, I'll add -20% firerate.

Ever played Dead by Daylight? Most killers get that cool perk or whatever where when you hit a survivor, you get some buffs ranging from tracking them to move speed etc. Something like that could be cool for melees.

(09-27-2018, 06:01 PM)Terran Wrote:  Ever played Dead by Daylight? Most killers get that cool perk or whatever where when you hit a survivor, you get some buffs ranging from tracking them to move speed etc. Something like that could be cool for melees.

I don't play Dead by Daylight (cause I'm poor), but I have seen some of the videos, and the videos the devs posted on youtube.

The perks in that game is interesting, I'm still thinking of more things to add in this suggestion post, maybe I'll look at some of those perks in that game and add something similar.

The pumpkin seems like such a waste, why would you lose an entire orb/book/exp booster just to deal 30 damage

Updated one item, and added 2 more items to the suggestion thread.

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