TTT becomes a decaying and slow gamemode after 1.4k hours, and even when new content is added, it all seems to melt into the games meta, changing little if nothing.
Here are some of my ideas to change TTT for the better
First off, nearly 80% of the server uses a deagle, and for good reason. 1-shot headshots are a powerful thing, and the risk tends to under-weigh the reward. The only other alternatives are the pistol or glock, which compensate for lack of 1-shot by reliable range, consistent damage, and larger clip. Here's my attempt at shifting the power in the secondary slot
Here are some new traitor and detective weapons, which of the ones below, I tried to only pick ones that seemed unique, bringing something new to the table
Now onto some much needed weapon changes
M1 Garand
Level of Concern: Practically Extinct

Let's be blunt, it's bad. The Garand suffers from low reload speed, awful firerate even on a Heroic, and sad headshot damage for a scopeless rifle. In order for this weapon to be viable in a non-meme situation, it needs a rework unlike any other. Listen before you burn me at the stake, the current M1 is essentially a Primary deagle with slower firerate but more range. A deagle 1-shots, fires very fast, and is a secondary. The M1 doesn't 1-shot, fires very slow, and is a primary. See what I'm getting at? I'm not just going to advocate better stats, but I want this weapon to serve a purpose.
Instead of just increasing firerate and damage, this weapon should follow a unique type of ranged damage dealing, rewarding very long distance firing. What my idea boils down to is to essentially give it reverse damage falloff. When I say reverse, it doesn't mean it does less damage the closer you are, just the opposite. Longer distance = higher damage.
Level of Concern: To the point I forgot it even existed

Hands down, the WORST WEAPON in TTT, no questions asked. 100% would not mind if we fixed this thing by just removing it and replacing all existing ones with a random other secondary. It just has no place among the other choices. There are 0 upsides to using this weapon over anything else, Deagle beats it not surprisingly, Pistol does it's job but actually works, Glock can spray very well, and the Tec-9 is an SMG Glock. And to put the nail in the coffin, it just looks out of place and the model is disgusting.
Other weapons that just need a slightly higher base damage to be effective:
Uzi, Honeybadger, Vector
That's the end for now, so please leave comments and feedback. Thank you all very much for reading!!
Here are some of my ideas to change TTT for the better
First off, nearly 80% of the server uses a deagle, and for good reason. 1-shot headshots are a powerful thing, and the risk tends to under-weigh the reward. The only other alternatives are the pistol or glock, which compensate for lack of 1-shot by reliable range, consistent damage, and larger clip. Here's my attempt at shifting the power in the secondary slot
Pocket Rifle
New Secondary
A handy secondary rifle, 1 bullet in the clip, slow reload, but nearly pinpoint accuracy (About 10% more than a default rifle) and slightly higher damage. And to top it all off, the firing sound is fairly quiet and unnoticeable compared to a rifle and deagle.
New Secondary
A handy secondary rifle, 1 bullet in the clip, slow reload, but nearly pinpoint accuracy (About 10% more than a default rifle) and slightly higher damage. And to top it all off, the firing sound is fairly quiet and unnoticeable compared to a rifle and deagle.
Here are some new traitor and detective weapons, which of the ones below, I tried to only pick ones that seemed unique, bringing something new to the table
Holy Hand Grenade
New Traitor Equipment
The first (of my knowledge) T-Shop item to cost 2 credits, and it is limited to 1 purchase per round, this holy boomer is the only grenade to not damage traitor buddies
Second Chance
New Detective Equipment
When a Detective purchases this item, after their death, they have a chance to resurrect, even if they're the last ones killed. This chance increases depending on how many traitors the Detective personally eliminated prior to their death. Now this may seem a little much at first, but in my eyes, it reinforces the fact that Detectives are meant to be the main enemy of Traitors, not the first one offed at the start of the round. With all the new gadgets Traitors have been given, Detective Body Armor just doesn't cut it anymore.
Spring Mine
New Traitor Equipment
A fun new item that launches anyone foolish enough to step on this item. Upon purchase, Traitors can place this item down on any ground surface. When a Detective or Innocent step on it, they are launched into the air in a random direction. The height they're launched to isn't enough to kill them from fall damage, but that's only if they aren't shot off of an edge.
Munition Shipment
New Traitor and Detective Equipment
(No already-made workshop items for this, but seems easy enough to make)
Simple item that similar to a Health station, can be thrown down for people to acquire ammo. Has a total of 300 Ammo stored, and doesn't replenish.
New Traitor Equipment
The first (of my knowledge) T-Shop item to cost 2 credits, and it is limited to 1 purchase per round, this holy boomer is the only grenade to not damage traitor buddies
Second Chance
New Detective Equipment
When a Detective purchases this item, after their death, they have a chance to resurrect, even if they're the last ones killed. This chance increases depending on how many traitors the Detective personally eliminated prior to their death. Now this may seem a little much at first, but in my eyes, it reinforces the fact that Detectives are meant to be the main enemy of Traitors, not the first one offed at the start of the round. With all the new gadgets Traitors have been given, Detective Body Armor just doesn't cut it anymore.
Spring Mine
New Traitor Equipment
A fun new item that launches anyone foolish enough to step on this item. Upon purchase, Traitors can place this item down on any ground surface. When a Detective or Innocent step on it, they are launched into the air in a random direction. The height they're launched to isn't enough to kill them from fall damage, but that's only if they aren't shot off of an edge.
Munition Shipment
New Traitor and Detective Equipment
(No already-made workshop items for this, but seems easy enough to make)
Simple item that similar to a Health station, can be thrown down for people to acquire ammo. Has a total of 300 Ammo stored, and doesn't replenish.
Now onto some much needed weapon changes
M1 Garand
Level of Concern: Practically Extinct

Let's be blunt, it's bad. The Garand suffers from low reload speed, awful firerate even on a Heroic, and sad headshot damage for a scopeless rifle. In order for this weapon to be viable in a non-meme situation, it needs a rework unlike any other. Listen before you burn me at the stake, the current M1 is essentially a Primary deagle with slower firerate but more range. A deagle 1-shots, fires very fast, and is a secondary. The M1 doesn't 1-shot, fires very slow, and is a primary. See what I'm getting at? I'm not just going to advocate better stats, but I want this weapon to serve a purpose.
Instead of just increasing firerate and damage, this weapon should follow a unique type of ranged damage dealing, rewarding very long distance firing. What my idea boils down to is to essentially give it reverse damage falloff. When I say reverse, it doesn't mean it does less damage the closer you are, just the opposite. Longer distance = higher damage.
Level of Concern: To the point I forgot it even existed

Hands down, the WORST WEAPON in TTT, no questions asked. 100% would not mind if we fixed this thing by just removing it and replacing all existing ones with a random other secondary. It just has no place among the other choices. There are 0 upsides to using this weapon over anything else, Deagle beats it not surprisingly, Pistol does it's job but actually works, Glock can spray very well, and the Tec-9 is an SMG Glock. And to put the nail in the coffin, it just looks out of place and the model is disgusting.
Other weapons that just need a slightly higher base damage to be effective:
Uzi, Honeybadger, Vector
That's the end for now, so please leave comments and feedback. Thank you all very much for reading!!