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Poll: how does this make you feel
its a cancer base weapon and needs a nerf
its a bit too op
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nerf the mr

I am going to be comparing the headshot damage of a Zafkiel to an Omnipotent MR
Things to Note:
  • Zafkiel is a time-limited Primordial that has set stats,
  • MR is effectively a faster version of the Zafkiel's base gun, the SG550
  • MR is a base weapon, meaning the BEST tier of it is always going to change with new tiers
  • The Zafkiel has 12 bullets in a clip, while the MR has a default of 22

When comparing damage,
the MR does 40-50 headshot damage, on an unlikely tier with 15% damage, While the Zafkiel does around 70 headshot damage

Do not take just my word for it, I interviewed 5 people (regulars) and ALL of them said something along the lines of, "That's stupid"

Here is one such interview:

Bezerker: Would you take part in a survey?
Alex Summers: maybe
Bezerker: Which would you use:
Alex Summers: yes
Bezerker: An automatic rifle with 12 bullets, slow firerate, and around 70 headshot damage
Bezerker: or
Bezerker: An automatic rifle with 22 bullets, super fast firerate, and around 50 headshot damage
Alex Summers: slow
Bezerker: what if I told you the slow one had very high recoil
Bezerker: while the fast had none
Alex Summers: i feel
Alex Summers: like
Alex Summers: you're referring to the mr cal
Bezerker: Im not obliged to answer that question
Alex Summers: mr cal is cancer
Bezerker: Thank you for your time

I think this makes my point
feel free to suggest balance options
Umpty Dumpty

i never agreed for this to be released to the public what the heck

no but mr cal is pretty op tbh. needs some kind of nerf

If that's true why aren't more people running around with Mr.Cals, if the base version was as OP or even a variant of it, as you claim it is then everyone and their mother would be using it. People prefer using their enchants, prims, and other weapons vs a regular Mr Cal and the only real exposure most of the server has to it is my Mr.Cal which is why it might seem OP since it's angelic and such. The Mr.Cal where it stands right now is fine.

(01-12-2018, 06:47 PM)PapaRussia Wrote:  If that's true why aren't more people running around with Mr.Cals, if the base version was as OP or even a variant of it, as you claim it is then everyone and their mother would be using it. People prefer using their enchants, prims, and other weapons vs a regular Mr Cal and the only real exposure most of the server has to it is my Mr.Cal which is why it might seem OP since it's angelic and such. The Mr.Cal where it stands right now is fine.

just because it's op doesn't mean everyone and their mother would be using it. it doesn't change the fact that it's op. your gun specifically was really good even when it was completely unleveled as an angelic, if that doesn't say something, i dont know what does.

My heroic aug is op but i don't use it all the time, just cause it's really good doesn't mean everyone will want to use it.

I personally get bored with easy guns, but that's just me.

This is interesting. I think this shows that the way a model looks, and sounds, can determine whether people perceive something as OP or not.

M16 base weapon 2 shot headshots (23 damage x 2.7), also has a fairly high firerate, does more base damage per shot, AND is more accurate. Should that be nerfed too?

The MR is also not near as accurate as the SG550, or even the m16.

Here's a comparison of the M16 and MRCA stats.


Now he's one of the Sg550 and the MRCA1. The MRCA1 is supposed to be another type of 'assault rifle' with a scope. Similar to the AUG.
(Keep in mind, cone - Larger number = less accurate. Delay - higher number = slower firerate (its the delay in seconds between shots) )
So I think majority of what you guys are feeling is just not as accurate as you think, and more of speculation/'nocebo' type effects.

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