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Donator Badge Progression

With case progression out, I was think about other types of progression to go along with it. At each level of the donator badge these either one time rewards trigger or these passive activate. Here are a few suggestions per level up to level 20.(I assume that nobody other than Nield will get there.) Tell me if you think they are too OP.

~ = Passive Based System(Kuro's idea)(%'s Stack)

1: 250 Extra Rubies ~ 1% Extra End Round Luck

2: 1 Pay to Spin Roll ~ 1% Extra Crate Luck

3: 15 Days of VIP ~ 2% Extra Global CD Reduction

4: 500 Extra Rubies ~ 1% Extra End Round Drop Chance

5: 2 Pay to Spin Rolls ~ 5% Extra Event Luck

6: 1 Month of VIP ~ 2% Extra End Round Luck

7: 5% Global Cooldown Reduction ~ 2% Extra Crate Luck

8: 750 Extra Rubies ~ 3% Extra CD Reduction

9: 3 Pay to Spin Rolls ~ 2% Extra End Round Drop Chance

10: 1% Extra Crate Luck ~ 10% Discount on all Crates in Shop(non-VIP{.

11: 1000 Extra Rubies ~ 3% Extra Crate Luck

12: A 1/3 Strength Rune of Looting Applied to all Event Runs ~ 3% Extra End Round Drop Chance

13: 4 Pay to Spin Rolls ~ 3% Extra End Round Luck

14: 3 Months VIP ~ 5% Extra CD Reduction

15: 5% Extra Global Cooldown Reduction ~ 5% Extra Rubies Per Donation

16: 1% Extra End Round Luck on TTT ~ 4% Extra End Round Drop Chance

17: 5 Pay to Spin Rolls ~ 4% Extra Crate Luck

18: 1500 Extra Rubies ~ 10% CD Reduction

19: 6 Months VIP ~ 4% Extra End Round Luck

20: An extra 5% rubies anytime you donate. ~ 5% Extra Luck and Drop Chance Globally

21: Permanent Access to the new Voslom Brass has been working on tirelessly day after day, to spend the rest of your life on ~ Access to Realms and Voslom

21: Permanent Access to the new Voslom Brass has been working on tirelessly day after day, to spend the rest of your life on.

Also, Voslom should, like, have skills like Runescape. Mining coal and iron to bring to a smeltery to forge weapons, etc.

Not op pls add
Bouncy Rounds

yeah and every starts at zero now
Minehuis: Pancakes
Rangerdanger0: Waffles
Rangerdanger0: lol rekt

I'm not a big fan of 1 time uses for levelling up your skill

I'd much rather it give permanent small bonuses that add up over time.

Seeing as the badge basically levels up exponentially it would only make that much more sense

-1 pay to win nield would have like 100000% stats of all of dis

(11-28-2017, 06:10 AM)Excel Wrote:  -1 pay to win nield would have like 100000% stats of all of dis

He deserves it though...

I'm not sure I agree with extra luck perks directly(crate/post-round, although post round should probably be fine as you can't really choose when that happens like you can when you open crates), but I don't mind this idea.

The thing is, people absolutely lose their shit when anything is remotely 'pay2win' here (and sometimes even harass the person supporting the server with their generous donations.. Which is dumb. No donations = eventually no FRG Servers), yet are fine with other servers directly selling their tradeable currency, or even 3rd party trading, etc. The double standards are pretty dumb.

Some more stuff I wouldn't mind doing -
  • x% increased chance of making post-round giveaways show up when you're on the server.(Stacks with other donators)
  • x% increased chance of ultra-post-round giveaways(when on the server obviously). (also stacks)
  • Level x Badge - Allows you to change your name color on the scoreboard at will.
  • 5% chance increase to create successful runes.
  • x extra market listing slots.

Hey, I don't care what shiny guns people have, you've done a hell of a lot of work on these servers and I'm happy enough just to ass-kiss. I just wish it were easier to get bank slots rather than those bloody expensive Runes. Maybe you should do something with those above perks, but make more incentive for VIP? I feel like having 20-30 people regularly on VIP monthly is a lot better than people occasionally dumping a whole bunch of money. I'm more than pleased to spend $15 a month if I can, because its worth it and hardly a cost.

Maybe have an "Auction" day every month where really cool guns can show up on a special Lobby character, but cost Rubies. People can place bets on the guns and the more Rubies you bet, the higher chance you have to win it. I.E: Kinda like the coin jackpot giveaway thing.

Donate for more inventory slots when??

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