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2koreds - Unban Request

Steam Name (Current): 2koreds

Steam Name (During incident): 2koreds

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:53173093

Steam Profile Link: http://steamcommunity.com/id/2koreds/

Name of staff you were banned by: Unpoke

Length of the ban: Permanent

Would you like your ban shortened or repealed?: Ideally repealed

Reason for ban: "Based on recent reports you are still toxic, toxicity is not welcome here."

Did you commit the actions stated in the ban reason?: Not to my knowledge

What really happened?: Honestly no idea. The ban reason stated "Based on recent reports you are still toxic, toxicity is not welcome here". I was just playing and it was a map change so I was voting for Urban Ruins when I was randomly disconnected with the ban reason. There was no discussion before hand, no warnings, and no real issues that I recall having. I don't recall being toxic or having / causing any issues, but the reason says "Based on recent reports...", yet there are no reports in the complaints forum and nothing that has been brought to my attention. I've spoken with several players since the ban in just ten minutes and several of them have thought I was kidding, having heard nothing about it and not thinking I was toxic, at least not to the degree of a perm ban.

Additional details: I'd really love to see what these "recent reports" are because I have no idea what they could be. Y'know, a little evidence to support a permanent ban without any warning. A little light shed onto the whole situation that came out of nowhere would be fantastic...?

(10-13-2017, 03:39 AM)2koreds Wrote:  There was no discussion before hand, no warnings, and no real issues that I recall having.

You must have some sort of memory issue or think things just disappear; I've talked with you many times, and the last time we talked about your behavior and your toxicity, I told you clear as day you were on your last straw.

The reports I was referring to most directly are the recent posts on your member application, one with a direct screenshot of you in a report against another player addressing him as a retard and a dumbfuck over something that seems very small and there were clearly staff on to take care of the situation.

Other reports I have received privately that I did not save records of (and thus will not use as solid evidence) include you disrespecting other players in chat/voice chat including staff members, and even a few of you mass RDMing, although the screenshots of those are lost and I urge the owner of them to either re-message me them or come forward with them.
These reports are backed up by many trusted community members, some with +Member ranks and some are official staff members, and some I've seen first hand on my alt.

The server is without a doubt better off without players who magnetize drama such as your feuds with CaptainStag and all the others who are "out to get you."
Never in my entire time here have I met a player whose been so "attacked" and "targetted" for "no reason". You antagonize and play a very good victim card, and I think after all the warnings you've received, it's time for you to go.

- That Thrakos Noob

+1 in the rules it does state no disrespectful behaviour, but from what I've seen 2koreds is pretty relativley of the community, especially when compared to some other people on the server who don't get any kind of sever punishment such as this. I believe that some may people simply hold a grudge against 2koreds and do not believe nor wish that 2koreds can and or has changed from his early days on the server. Personally speaking some staff (not gonna name names) seem to have a bias against people who were once toxic and it matters not if they've changed, its also become apparent to me that some cancerous players (again not naming names) get treated in a completely different light. In any case I do not believe that someone should get a permanent ban for isolated incidents, nor for this "toxic" behaviour, it is someones choice to react in a certain way or to say a certain thing, and as long as they're within the bounds of the rules set in place (i.e racism, sexism, mass douchebaggery) they should be held socially responsible and accept that some people may use the oh so forgotten !block feature. To conclude I would like to say these last few things, to those unnamed individuals who seem to have it out for this man in some way or another, I may not know what 2koreds did to you, but you must learn to forgive, because you too have most likely done the same to someone else.

added after reading unpokes response: when it comes to angrily typed reports i can understand where he comes from, people get stupid when under emotions, and while it should not be acceptable to call someone a "retard" or "dumb fuck" it shouldnt solicit a perma ban. I do not believe there are many people who would look at a report with "dumbfuck" written to describe the accused as a thing to get upset over, nor do i find it that toxic.  what i recommend is for there to be definitions of these terms within the rules, because it allows for confusion and miscommunication when these things are broad undefined terms, and as to what I personally would define as toxic: that would be somebody who consistently goes out of their way to harass and insult others, and just generally not  nice to be around (ex screeching 24/7, always mic spamming, mrdm, cheating ect.)

this is the only section in the rules dictating respect or anything that 2koreds could have done:
BE RESPECTFUL! Racism, childish arguing, sexism, and any other disrespect are NEVER okay. Names should not include curse words, terms that affect gameplay or any other inappropriate content. You will be asked to change your name and then kicked!
(9 + 10) - catbugs age = 14

Every time I get on, I have received reports of you being aggressive, toxic, disrespectful and I have seen it first hand towards the community including myself.

You've had plenty of times to change yourself in areas that need to be changed but you've shown that you cannot handle a simple situation without getting heated about it for starters. I've seen plenty of evidence of your toxic behavior towards people and personally of rdm that has taken place. It seems that you cannot control your temper and that is a problem which warnings won't fix, only you can. I think a break for awhile is a good thing for you. I would love to see you on as an active, mature part of the community because frankly, you do not act like it now.

Incase you missed my post, I'll reiterate the rules 2koreds has broken:

» No Toxicity in RDM Reports...Being toxic in a RDM report (insulting the other player, or anything like that), will usually end up in the report being closed, or ruled in favor of the other party. If both parties are toxic, both may be punished. (via slays, kicks, or bans)
See: https://imgur.com/a/CA8kk
(10-12-2017, 09:00 PM)MicroBoss Wrote:  -1 when i was on with him today (10/12/17) i saw him rdm and i saw him being toxic.
i got rdmed by him and i reported him, when i did he lied in his report and when i said that he lied this is what his reply is "2koreds: stfu micro youre adopted - not even your real parents love you" i don't really know if he was just joking around or not, but seems abit toxic.
That is 2 of many reports, a lot of which I don't have record of but I urge anyone who does to come forward.

» Show respect..Racism, arguing, sexism, or any other sort of disrespect is never allowed. Names should not include curse words, terms that affect gameplay or any other inappropriate content.
Emphasis on arguing here.
(Only have to watch 'til 1:05)
Here shows clear antagonization of 2koreds towards CaptainStag as well as 2koreds killing him without reason further than he not liking him.
That's not the only time he's been caught arguing - infact it's far from. I hear him arguing with someone nearly any time I'm on my alt and no staff are on. I'm sure people will come forward to attest to that.

» Do not argue with staff..Staff are chosen because they're believed to have an understanding of rules and are trusted. If you believe they're doing something wrong, make a player complaint. Arguing in game with them just causes more problems, drama, and is not the way to handle it.
(10-13-2017, 04:02 AM)Eclipse Wrote:  Every time I get on, I have received reports of you being aggressive, toxic, disrespectful and I have seen it first hand towards the community including myself.

And lastly I bring forth his RDMing. I would still love for whoever had the screenshots to post them here, but the point is he's broken a ton of rules in the past, there's no technicalities here to save that and it's a dumb argument to persist on when the evidence is laid out here.

- That Thrakos Noob

(10-13-2017, 04:17 AM)Unpoke Wrote:  
Incase you missed my post, I'll reiterate the rules 2koreds has broken:

» No Toxicity in RDM Reports...Being toxic in a RDM report (insulting the other player, or anything like that), will usually end up in the report being closed, or ruled in favor of the other party. If both parties are toxic, both may be punished. (via slays, kicks, or bans)
See: https://imgur.com/a/CA8kk
(10-12-2017, 09:00 PM)MicroBoss Wrote:  -1 when i was on with him today (10/12/17) i saw him rdm and i saw him being toxic.
i got rdmed by him and i reported him, when i did he lied in his report and when i said that he lied this is what his reply is "2koreds: stfu micro youre adopted - not even your real parents love you" i don't really know if he was just joking around or not, but seems abit toxic.
That is 2 of many reports, a lot of which I don't have record of but I urge anyone who does to come forward.

» Show respect..Racism, arguing, sexism, or any other sort of disrespect is never allowed. Names should not include curse words, terms that affect gameplay or any other inappropriate content.
Emphasis on arguing here.
(Only have to watch 'til 1:05)
Here shows clear antagonization of 2koreds towards CaptainStag as well as 2koreds killing him without reason further than he not liking him.
That's not the only time he's been caught arguing - infact it's far from. I hear him arguing with someone nearly any time I'm on my alt and no staff are on. I'm sure people will come forward to attest to that.

» Do not argue with staff..Staff are chosen because they're believed to have an understanding of rules and are trusted. If you believe they're doing something wrong, make a player complaint. Arguing in game with them just causes more problems, drama, and is not the way to handle it.
(10-13-2017, 04:02 AM)Eclipse Wrote:  Every time I get on, I have received reports of you being aggressive, toxic, disrespectful and I have seen it first hand towards the community including myself.

And lastly I bring forth his RDMing. I would still love for whoever had the screenshots to post them here, but the point is he's broken a ton of rules in the past, there's no technicalities here to save that and it's a dumb argument to persist on when the evidence is laid out here.

thank you for informing me of da things hes done, though i still dont believe that constitutes a perma i do believe i must retract my +1 because of this new information being shown to me. While i do find 2koreds to be a good friend, i do have to agree with unpoke here... sorry koreds. but if your gonna honeypot me like that, saying that you got banned for no reason, and while i did believe that he was relatively polite, this has most definitely change my opinion a bit, at least enough to make me make this into a -1.
(9 + 10) - catbugs age = 14

Lets all just give him a temporary ban... it took me a week on a shitty minecraft TTT server to appreciate what this server had to offer...even if you think he deserves this, who are you to make judgement?

While I don't like the things presented against 2koreds in this thread, I don't think the time is particularly necessary to have as a perm. I can see eight months to a year working though. It's either that, or have another Mr_Cheese go around to see if hes changed about a year later.

(10-13-2017, 03:49 PM)Steel Memes Wrote:  Lets all just give him a temporary ban... it took me a week on a shitty minecraft TTT server to appreciate what this server had to offer...even if you think he deserves this, who are you to make judgement?
I don't think you understand what staff is here for...

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