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Rehaul the Weapon Shop

It's been here since mid 2015 with little to no changes at all.

One of the biggest problems is that the prices for most of the weapons are completely unbalanced compared to what they are actually worth.

Here is what I'm talking about:

Nighthawks go for 81 frags while Swifts are only 68 and are way more sought after, and on top of that they can ONLY be purchased from the weapon shop while Nighthawks can be rolled from almost anything.
Aggro-Magnets are 29 frag while their average cost on the market is 10 coins.

Why would I spend frags that take quite a while to get on a gun that costs 10 coins? It makes no economical sense. None of the lower end guns ever get bought due to this. Not even level 5's that join the lobby for the first time think that's a good deal.

Prices need a significant overhaul of what they currently are.

Another problem is that the shop only resets once a week.

I get back in 2015 this was useful because of how limited drops were, but now that we have a bunch of farmable events and bosses(Bloodwynd, Survive, Grims to an extent), it seems pretty pointless for it to only reset once a week, when 99% of the stuff that goes in it never gets bought anyway.

It would be better if along with the price rehaul, if the shop also reset on Wednesdays.

The last problem I'm going to address is the limited amount of items that can appear in the shop.

Heroics, Kaijus, Distinguisheds, etc all can not appear in the shop. Why? Those guns are all droppable end round, and on top of that they would actually be bought from the shop.

Yeah, I don't really check up on the shop because of this reason alone.

+1 big support on this, it's honestly been lacking for a really long time and since the crate shop it's really shown it's age

I think Vigorous & Swift, Ominous should be the more desired weapons and as such they should cost more from the shop anyway compared to anything else as they're exclusive from the shop.

Plus I would love if there was a weapon shop only primordial tier or something that everyone would like


- That Thrakos Noob


One, frags take forever to get due to some quests being neigh impossible to achieve or giving low amounts of frags. Example: Ultimate Spy. 10 kills in one round? Good luck. and for what, 15 frags?

There was once a quest I saw to give like 15 frags to kill 7 innos without your t buddies killing anyone either. Whose just gonna sit back while your t buddy does it all?

Last rant on frags is that quests reset once a week, so it takes awhile to get more
(Future small suggestion if anyone wants to officially suggest it: Have quests have a cooldown to redo instead of refreshing once a week; IE: finish a quest and have a 3 day cooldown on accepting the quest again or something.)

Moral of the story is that frags are hard to achieve or take a LONG time, and then there's nothing worth spending them on in the weapon store except very rarely, and when there is something it's sold out within a few hours because everyone knows about it - Example a few weeks ago was the Swift Aug of Agony. But like tobias said the Nighthawk (which everyone can obtain easily within probably 5 crates) sells for almost 90 frags

Great suggestion Tobias.

(07-13-2017, 04:49 PM)T.w² | 2koreds Wrote:  +1

One, frags take forever to get due to some quests being neigh impossible to achieve or giving low amounts of frags. Example: Ultimate Spy. 10 kills in one round? Good luck. and for what, 15 frags?

There was once a quest I saw to give like 15 frags to kill 7 innos without your t buddies killing anyone either. Whose just gonna sit back while your t buddy does it all?

Last rant on frags is that quests reset once a week, so it takes awhile to get more
(Future small suggestion if anyone wants to officially suggest it: Have quests have a cooldown to redo instead of refreshing once a week; IE: finish a quest and have a 3 day cooldown on accepting the quest again or something.)

Moral of the story is that frags are hard to achieve or take a LONG time, and then there's nothing worth spending them on in the weapon store except very rarely, and when there is something it's sold out within a few hours because everyone knows about it - Example a few weeks ago was the Swift Aug of Agony. But like tobias said the Nighthawk (which everyone can obtain easily within probably 5 crates) sells for almost 90 frags

Great suggestion Tobias.

For the 7 kills quest your T Buddies can still get kills and the quest still works. Other then that I agree with Tobi +1.
SG Fucking Overlord

Personally I would love to see more quest diversity too. We still have the same old quests we've always had. Some of them are just outrageous.


I agree with tobi on this one, there's rarely any good weapons in the shop, and if there is it's gone in a day. I check the weapon shop today and you need at least 60+ fragments for a nighthawk, I don't think it should cost that much, even though it's a legendary. Also lower the cost of all the weapons because, it's so hard to get fragments from the quests.

What do you guys think about the shop resetting once a day? Agree on my post for yes, disagree for no!

new quests when

- That Thrakos Noob

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