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|SideScroller|'s Member Application

Age: 19

Steam Name(Current): |SideScroller|
Time played on servers?(!time username to check): 8 hours, but i had an alt account that had a shitload.

Where did you hear about this server?: I'm from NTG, they banned me for accidental Mass RDM with a discombobulator. But that was 4 years ago. and THAT will not happen again.

Have you ever been banned and why?: Yes, it was a mistake i made and swear it will never happen here. (Why in previous question)

Why do you want to join?: I was member on another account so i figured I'd get it on this account too. And I  like the community. Big Grin

Referred by: We have to be referred by?

Additional Details: I am/was friends with alot of the people on the server a long time ago. so, im hoping they remember me.

Sorry friend but you need at least 50 hours for a member application -1

-1 Get more hours on this particular account and then we can talk.

Didn't Brass tell you he could give you your member rank over if you proved you're the owner of the other account?

I think that's a better option, but +1 regardless

Time Played: 83.8 Hours

I believe this is the other account?

IMO I think side should stick around an play a bit before given his member rank back or considered for it again. After witnessing some pretty immature behavior the other day in regards to staff attempting to explain rules and being very rude and toxic I would like to see if this continues or was a one time thing. I also witnessed you have 2 reports and leave yesterday after I came back from talking to my roomie. I messaged an admin in regards but I don't believe they looked into the matter or saw my messages due to map change. This is not something I feel we want to portray on the server. Hopefully this was not your normal behavior going forward. Here is reference to what I am talking about:


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