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Black Knight's Contact Details | |
Homepage: | http://steamcommunity.com/id/Ze_Real_Canadian/ |
Email: | Send Black Knight an email. |
Additional Info About Black Knight | |
Location: | Eastern Canada |
Sex: | Male |
Steam Details | |
Steam Verified | Yes |
Level | 41 |
SteamID 32 | STEAM_0:0:73704134 |
SteamID 64 | http://www.steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198107673996 |
SteamRep | http://www.steamrep.com/profiles/76561198107673996 |
Inventory Details | |
Coins: | 1,481,815 |
Equipped Items: WorldcarverPrimordial Firerate: 25% Damage: 25% Mobility: 15% Range: 25% (1) Bimonthly pass item only obtainable during the months of April and May (2022). Only through reforging will these axes' reach their potential. Discovered by Average Bimonthly Skull 4 Enjoyr Darker areas provide you increased stability, reload speed, and slow hp regeneration. Has a 1 in 10.18 chance to jump scare targets, playing spooky sounds and making them jump for 8.88 seconds. Rightful headshot kills causes target to explode, sending out 4.47 skull projectiles. Double tapping RELOAD will place a tether down at your curret location. While attached to the tether, you regenerate 2 HP per second , and gain various buffs. Moving too far from the initial spot will break the tether. 45.95 second cooldown. Has a 1 in 7.55 chance to weaken targets, causing them to take 34.02% more damage from all sources, and deal 8.48% less damage to you for 14.66 seconds. + 24.2% damage in PvE. Jupiter's SurgePrimordial (1) An Artifact from the months of March and April. Item based on a suggestion by Heisen. Discovered by Tormented Hugs Has a 1 in 14.23 chance to infect targets dealing 6.55 damage and having a chance to infect players close to the target, with half the damage every 3 seconds for 16.34 seconds. Has a 1 in 10.38 chance to mark targets hitbox where you hit them, causing them to take 39.55% more damage when shot in that hitbox, for 6.22 seconds. Double tapping RELOAD will place a tether down at your curret location. While attached to the tether, you regenerate 2 HP per second , and gain various buffs. Moving too far from the initial spot will break the tether. 54.54 second cooldown. Has a 1 in 7.66 chance to weaken targets, causing them to take 31.91% more damage from all sources, and deal 6.38% less damage to you for 11.38 seconds. + 23.67% damage in PvE. Valiant DeaglePrimordial Clip: 3.64 Mobility: 14.32% Stability: -22.74% Accuracy: 11.64% Damage: 19.04% Firerate: 24.09% PVE Multiplier: 100% (1) Discovered by Philip and Shadow Crystal SynergizerGodlike Charges: 6.21 Current Charge: 0% This allows you to combine the abilities of two crystals of your choice. You can drag and drop applicable crystals onto this item to add them to it. Discovered by Eclipse OcarinaPrimordial An Artifact from the month of January. Discovered by |SideScroller| Aligned with Gemini. Attuned Light's EchoPrimordial Attuned: 100% Fully Attuned. An Artifact only obtainable during the months of January and February. Discovered by Drifty Event Cooldowns: | |
Grim's Labyrinth: None Worm Queen: None |