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Rotshout - Membership Application


Steam Name:

Time played on servers:
87 hours

Time spent on forums:
55 hours

Where did you hear about this server?:
I played on NTG for a while, then while talking to Terran he told me about FRG, where all the cool kids went.

Have you ever been banned and why?:

Why do you want to join?:
Many people that I had become friends with on NTG have moved here. I've also met plenty of new people on FRG that I find agreeable. Most of the community here is friendly, and the few I have problems with are polite enough to not let them complicate things.

Referred by:

Additional Details:
Summer break baby. I'll be on a lot more. If I seem a little bitchy lately it's because I'm sick of people pushing me. Seriously, I'd prefer not to be rammed off ledges, thank you very much.

+1! He's always good fun.

He reposted it because Jake said he could, he was only denied due to a lack of replies. Same as before, Rotshout is just a neutral, all-around normal player and avoids conflict. Plays regularly and has a good time doing it, I'll +1.

(06-01-2015, 07:26 PM)Terran Wrote:  He reposted it because Jake said he could, he was only denied due to a lack of replies. Same as before, Rotshout is just a neutral, all-around normal player and avoids conflict. Plays regularly and has a good time doing it, I'll +1.

Pretty much my thoughts. +1
Genesis Does What NintenDon't

I'm sarcastic a lot, take what I say with a grain of salt.

Usually follows the rules and isn't often a scrub. Plus Juan from me

+1 He is fun most of the times but is a meanie face sometimes.Just like we all are once in awhile

+1 Kool dude

I enjoy playin' with you, +1.

Hes a cool dude, can be serious at times.


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