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Ace and Mousey's Base Weapon Suggestion Extravaganza

I like the ACR because it's another new feature in the m16/sg-type category.
I like the TC because of the fact it has 1 bullet. +Clip tiers will make it more useable, but its only real advantage over the deagle is a scope even though it has the same general accuracy.

Scar I'm iffy on, it just kinda jumps in as a better MR-CA1, without its accuracy quirk. (perhaps add it so long as you just cant ADS with the gun, or give it some kind of quirk to make it fit in better. Maybe 3 different reload speeds to make it worse than thompson Smile )

Double-Barrel I can see getting added if you look at Vhoxel's comment, and say perhaps moving doesnt change its accuracy. That way you can jump or crouch or whatever and still have that just bad enough accuracy, without it going to the edges of your screen.

FG42 I like. Good model, and I feel like in general it could have a nice little spot.

M14 I dont really like. I dont think its needed. If it's to get added, do something like make it a stronger garand, but remove the garand's firerate cap and give this one a firerate cap.
When a dragon round begins.


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RE: Ace and Mousey's Base Weapon Suggestion Extravaganza - Fancy Jolly Typh - 01-20-2019, 07:59 PM

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