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Mousey's Contact Details | |
Homepage: | https://steamcommunity.com/id/FuckItDawgLifesARisk/ |
Email: | Send Mousey an email. |
AIM Screen Name: | XxMousey69xX |
Additional Info About Mousey | |
Location: | ye |
Bio: | im a talking dog |
Sex: | Other |
Steam Details | |
Steam Verified | Yes |
Level | 9 |
SteamID 32 | STEAM_0:1:180957695 |
SteamID 64 | http://www.steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198322181119 |
SteamRep | http://www.steamrep.com/profiles/76561198322181119 |
Inventory Details | |
Coins: | 23,278,587 |
Equipped Items:![]() Staff Of OsirisGodlike Not quite as powerful as the Original. Has a 1 in 8 chance to prompt you to perform an Egg Teleport . Has a 1 in 6 chance to weaken targets, causing them to take 35% more damage from all sources, and deal 10% less damage to you for 15 seconds. Has a 1 in 10 chance to fire a Firework that explodes and deals damage to all in the AoE. Has a 1 in 10 chance to shoot a Bone that deals 30 or more damage, and life steals 50% of the damage dealt. Has a 1 in 10 chance to affect your target with the Christmas Spirit for 7 seconds, making them give you some of their ammo for the duration. Double tapping RELOAD will place a tether down at your curret location. While attached to the tether, you regenerate 2 HP per second , and gain various buffs. Moving too far from the initial spot will break the tether. 60 second cooldown. Grants + 40% Reload Speed to your entire loadout. (Does not stack with Reload Crystal). ![]() Envious M16Primordial Deploy Speed: -20% Reload Speed: -15% Clip: 4 Firerate: 25% Stability: -10% Accuracy: 10% Damage: 22% Mobility: -5% To gain XP with this weapon you must get consecutive kills. As a Traitor , you must get at least 2 kills within 10 seconds of each other, or 1 kill as an Innocent . The more kills you get in the same streak the more EXP you will get per kill. Discovered by daft punk cow Has a 1 in 14.48 chance to fire a Firework that explodes, dealing damage and igniting all within the AoE. Enemies killed with this weapon are 50% more likely to drop loot orbs, where applicable. Has a 1 in 6.31 chance to spawn TU-R-KEY Drones on your target. Has a 1 in 10.71 chance to prompt you to perform a Present Teleport . Has a 1 in 10.6 chance to fire a Firework that explodes, dealing damage and creating sparklers where it hits. Kills with sparkler AOE will send out additional Fireworks. Has a 1 in 14.72 chance to fire out Blood Tendrils upon shooting or upon damaging targets. ![]() Dragon StrikeGodlike Clip: 4 Deploy Speed: -22% Firerate: 20% Stability: -32% Accuracy: 22% Damage: 18% Reload Speed: -12% Mobility: 5% It is said the flames of this weapon are more powerful than that of a Dragon's... Has a 1 in 11.86 chance to make the target aim at their feet. Has a 1 in 13.69 chance to ignite targets for 8.95 seconds. Has a 1 in 9.64 chance to prompt you to perform a Present Teleport . Enemies killed with this weapon are 50% more likely to drop loot orbs, where applicable. Has a 1 in 10.8 chance to affect your targets visibility with a snowstorm for 21.66 seconds. Has a 1 in 10.86 chance to REINDEER ATTACK the target. Has a 1 in 9.01 chance to tilt your target's screen for 4.15 seconds. Has a 1 in 8 chance to shoot a Brick Blast . Increases applicable pass XP gained by 19.07% (does not stack, and requires a physical weapon to apply). Switching to this weapon grants you + 25% Firerate and Damage. ![]() Crystal SynergizerGodlike Charges: 4.63 Current Charge: 16.59% This allows you to combine the abilities of two crystals of your choice. You can drag and drop applicable crystals onto this item to add them to it. Discovered by Eclipse Superior Good Luck CharmPrimordial (1) While this is equipped, increases your chances of dropping a loot orb by 60% from all sources. Discovered by Tango(SCRUB) Has a 1 in 3.21 chance to regenerate your HP to 100 over the course of ~5 seconds, upon rightful kills. ![]() Christmas OrnamentPrimordial Grenade Count: 3 Item suggested by Philip and Twentysix. Discovered by Sxythe This grenade will stick to what it hits. Has a 1 in 8 chance to shoot a Brick Blast . Standing still for 7.61 seconds grants you 39.11% reload speed, accuracy, and stability. Has a 1 in 9.53 chance grant one +10 - 15% stat buff to you and your target for 10.47 seconds. Has a 1 in 11.04 chance to affect your target with the Christmas Spirit for 6.41 seconds, making them give you some of their ammo for the duration. Has a 1 in 8 to inflict Plague upon your victims. Winter CompendiumLegendary A Free Daily compendium awarded to all players during the 2025 Winter Event. You must complete this in order to receive another. 2025 Event Cooldowns: | |
Grim's Labyrinth: None Worm Queen: None |