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[Buff] Cerberus

Proposed changes(one or more of these):
  • Base Weapon
    • Increase range by 60%.
    • Remove mobility inaccuracy.
    • Increase pellet damage from 18 to 19 (+25% this for real damage amount, as this is just the base weapon)
      This increases body shot damage to 95. Meaning you still have to land at least one headshot to 1 tap someone.
  • 1-2 of the above bundled with - Ability Changes:
    • Add a DoT to it, which also makes targets take more damage depending on the darkness level of the area they are in. Super bright = less damage, super dark = more damage.
      This makes the DoT more situational, and more powerful on certain maps/certain areas. Which you could adjust your play-style to. Could be fun.
    • Increase the proc chance. (as in make it more common)

Messages In This Thread
[Buff] Cerberus - Mousey - 11-06-2018, 11:27 PM
RE: [Buff] Cerberus - DONGERWEED - 11-06-2018, 11:41 PM
RE: [Buff] Cerberus - Mousey - 11-06-2018, 11:41 PM
RE: [Buff] Cerberus - Unpoke - 11-06-2018, 11:45 PM
RE: [Buff] Cerberus - Alex Spookers - 11-07-2018, 12:02 AM
RE: [Buff] Cerberus - Vhoxel - 11-07-2018, 12:16 AM
RE: [Buff] Cerberus - Kuro - 11-07-2018, 03:23 PM
RE: [Buff] Cerberus - Brassx - 11-07-2018, 06:07 PM
RE: [Buff] Cerberus - Kuro - 11-08-2018, 06:40 AM
RE: [Buff] Cerberus - TJ1524 - 11-07-2018, 06:34 PM
RE: [Buff] Cerberus - Brassx - 11-07-2018, 06:48 PM
RE: [Buff] Cerberus - Mousey - 11-07-2018, 06:59 PM
RE: [Buff] Cerberus - Alex Spookers - 11-08-2018, 02:28 AM
RE: [Buff] Cerberus - Beebee1303 - 11-07-2018, 07:20 PM
RE: [Buff] Cerberus - Brassx - 11-09-2018, 09:12 AM
RE: [Buff] Cerberus - tobiasxz-usagi - 11-09-2018, 09:43 AM
RE: [Buff] Cerberus - Unpoke - 11-09-2018, 03:42 PM
RE: [Buff] Cerberus - GhouldenGuy - 11-09-2018, 04:23 PM
RE: [Buff] Cerberus - Mousey - 11-12-2018, 05:47 PM

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