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Mousey complaints

Mousey has been taking it way too far lately with his powers, he needs to tone himself down a bit.
It's not even funny to other people it's just been incredibly annoying.
I'm fine with him messing around but I really didn't appreciate the kick and ban I got the other day because I killed him.
If anybody else did to him what he did to D3F4ULT he would cry on discord then leave it for a week.

(09-19-2021, 07:02 PM)Danger Wrote:  I'm fine with him messing around but I really didn't appreciate the kick and ban I got the other day because I killed him.


- That Thrakos Noob

(09-19-2021, 01:58 PM)Unpoke Wrote:  If Mousey was just fucking around with Default, and Default had absolutely no problem with it and they just had a good laugh about it, it's one TTT round, who cares?

So comes back to, If staff is abusing there powers but have no ill intention or just joking around then its ok?
They might not have ill intention but it can still upset someone and joking around would be find but do you really need to abuse powers to do so?
He isn't even joking around with just his friends but he is affecting everyone on the server.
Also I already stated this in brass's reply, This report isn't about between mousey and default but more so on mousey abusing the staff powers.

(09-19-2021, 01:58 PM)Unpoke Wrote:  Manager is a voluntary unpaid position on a game where the goal is to fuck around as much as possible

Agreed, but that isn't a really good reason to abuse the powers that were given to you, He abused more then any other staff that I've seen.
I know he just wants to be meme but abusing powers shouldn't be the only way. I know vhoxel is a meme staff but he hasn't done as much as mousey
(btw when i say meme i dont mean he is a joke of a staff but more on he memes more then anything else)

Some of the staff abused there powers and got demoted
I understand that those had ill intention and were for gain but I still don't think any staff should be breaking the rules that they are trying to uphold.

I honestly don't see a good point of him abusing his powers.


(09-19-2021, 07:00 PM)Freedom & High Fidelity Wrote:  Its obvious its gonna be really hard for mousey to be punished for his actions and I know he plans on abusing that fact for as long as possible, because that's exactly what's been happening.

It does take a lot to take power away from people that abuse it and mousey might not even get punished for this but I do appreciate everyone for coming here and saying something. Because some players see this as a joke or are too scared to speak up.
But I hope that with enough voice and perspective it would affect and maybe change brass's mind.

(At least for me, Brass's reply made me think he would only get a slap on the wrist. Which I think he has been warned before.)

(09-19-2021, 07:05 PM)Microboss Wrote:  So comes back to, If staff is abusing there powers but have no ill intention or just joking around then its ok?

I absolutely believe this to be the case. That being said, it sounds like it wasn't mutual this time around.

(09-19-2021, 07:05 PM)Microboss Wrote:  Agreed, but that isn't a really good reason to abuse the powers that were given to you, He abused more then any other staff that I've seen.

That was just my take on what the position means - keep in mind I haven't played much/at all since they've been promoted and as such I don't know to what extent he has abused. My two cents are only that.

- That Thrakos Noob

Mousey forcing people to listen to his screeches removing himself from people's block list before voice scale was a thing was very aggravating, i complained to him several times to stop but it never did, if mousey could reset peoples voice scales im certain this would also be a power he wiuld abuse

Decided to add my own input in regards to Mouseys behaviour.
So basically my personal gripe is when Mousey drinks. It sounds like a bad joke but honestly it's just sad at this point.
Whenever Mousey joins the server drunk all he does is shout, abuse powers and RDM. That is when I personally feel it gets out of control.
He seemingly loses all ability to read the room and just does whatever the fuck he wants with no regards for others.
When he's sober however I don't think he tends to cause nearly as many issues.
But him drinking has been a recurring problem and I just don't know whether he's gotten better or not.
I haven't personally played too much lately so I cannot really speak for how he's been acting the last month or two due to that.
I don't want to see him demoted, but I'd like to see him act more responsibly.
Stuff like making sure it's not just him that's in on the joke, actually undoing troll things like bans or blinds and most importantly for me: not abusing while drunk.
I know Mousey is doing it mostly to be funny but I think he needs to be a lot more careful in how he uses his powers.

It's not fun to join lobby and hear the loudest scream in my ear coming from Mousey's mic and also getting lit on fire in lobby and whipped 100 times during Bloodwynd. It is also not fun for him to gag everyone in lobby for no reason, ungag us and leave, knowing full well that even if we are ungagged, we still cant speak to one another.

What im saying is that its becoming super fucking irritating to listen and deal with.

EDIT: Can not forget about setting his karma back to 1200 after rdming a ton, yeah.

(09-19-2021, 08:21 PM)Nytemart Wrote:  He seemingly loses all ability to read the room and just does whatever the fuck he wants with no regards for others.
When he's sober however I don't think he tends to cause nearly as many issues.
But him drinking has been a recurring problem and I just don't know whether he's gotten better or not.

I am unsure when he is drunk or not but from what i've seen here, It seem like he abuses either he is drunk or not.
Being drunk isn't really a good excuse to do things like this. As you see you posted a picture trying to warn him but he ignores you and continues to abuse.

I do appreciate that you are taking this seriously now tho seeing your first reply was just a joke.

(09-19-2021, 07:34 PM)Jaceper Wrote:  Mousey forcing people to listen to his screeches removing himself from people's block list before voice scale was a thing was very aggravating,  i complained to him several times to stop but it never did, if mousey could reset peoples voice scales im certain this would also be a power he wiuld abuse

He shouldn't be removing himself from people's block list, that right there is straight up abuse of power. If I have you blocked, it's there for a reason, I don't care if you are staff.

You can't remove someones blocks. Don't spread false info please.

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