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Addressing some feedback

brass made me waste 2.5 mil on a fishing rod once

at first I hated on a2 for getting something that insane for something little; but then again it's just a rifle so who really gives more of a crap.

free items for doing things you want to see us do is cool

Who are the people that bitch about this? I will remove them from the server real quick if you give me names.

I have a problem with this but if you give me a cool item I won't anymore.

Brass took my innocence and i got nothing in return.

I sold my soul and did Easter Pass on Survive

Nah fuck the people who complain about that, I think that's some of the coolest shit ever and again just a very vocal minority. I hope maybe one day I have a shot at something like that and if not oh well it's the name of the game.
Keep your head up brass you're doing good

Time to get m1 garand master and m1911 master and get WWII Enthusiast title yes?

As I've stated before, it's perfectly fine, just feels like some spontaneous things like this wouldn't have occurred if it was someone you didn't really know or didn't have as much of a figure in the community so some things like that should be officially stated, the only ones that would be fine are the completely spontaneous and random ones.

for example, maybe if it was someone else who had top tier of the easter pass, who didn't have much of a figure or may not be as fun of a guy as mousey is. not only would this guy probably not be pushing as hard of a meme as egg tp rune, you would've had no obligation to give the same deal mousey got. Which that isn't a problem of bias or anything, it just highlights how spontaneous huge grinds and stuff like that are aswell as how human nature isn't to treat those you don't know on the exact same level as people you've known for years. I believe those should be announced officially or just not happen.

but on the acceptable side, You had a random typing contest out of the blue on lobby where you said first one to say "6233725293984" or something got an untradable crate that you can't obtain anymore.
that was completely random, completely acceptable and anyone that was on at the time of that could have won it, including someone you don't know, or may not be in your ideal players list.

Grind/Challenge based with bigger rewards, should most likely announce it officially. We had these on NTG in the form of scribes but they were much bigger, they gave a one of a kind unique rifle (I miss The Djinn ;-; ), and also The Zephyr glowing bow. bring back scribes plox

Completely random is fine but keeping the rewards to a smaller item or maybe cosmetically such as a title is fine, doesn't affect anyone else.

As for testing, I do think officially announcing if there is a reward for it is required, after all, they're tedious and while it's cool that some people do it out of the will of their hearts, all meetings and testing are usually sweetened with a little something to promote them, usually said beforehand IRL.

can I get a role in discord. It's been 2 months.

I think it is a good incentive to see better behavior, and having guns unique to a play feels special.
I would keep doing it, Some items are strong, but so are many of the crafted and higher godlikes.

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