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Vhoxel supermanager+++ eval

Current In-game name: Vhoxel

Current Status(Away/active): Banned

Do you feel you have done a good job(explain): Yes, I'm very close to getting unpoke demoted and taking over the server with communism

Any additional testimony(if needed): Yes.


Verdict: I never sent beebee child porn

Reasoning: Literally all that I sent beebee over the course of our conversations was nothing but funny memes and two (2) pornographic images. Those images contained the following:
Image #1 was of Palika riding Giratina is kind of like a reverse cowgirl like position. This image was not child porn because Palika and Giratine don’t have ages
“Palkia is described as a deity/god in Sinnoh-region creation mythology, and is said to live in a gap in a parallel spatial dimension. Referred to as the Spatial Pokémon, Palkia has the ability to distort space. Palkia also has the power to create new dimensions. In The Rise of Darkrai, it was shown to be able to trap dimensions into another one.”
As a God of the pokemon universe, Palkia does NOT have an age therefor cannot be a child.
“Giratina, along with Dialga and Palkia, was created when Arceus hatched from its egg. Arceus tasked Giratina to create anti-matter. Giratina was known (other than Mewtwo) to be one of the most aggressive pokemon. Because of this, Arceus banished Giratina to the Distortion World, where it supposedly would be trapped forever.”
Giratina also being a god falls into the same category as Palkia
Image #2 was of a Tiger subducting a Whale, now, not being a furry guy myself I had to do a little bit of research on this one for all I did was go to the first page of U18chan to find this image to send to my friend Beebee. I PMed the artist through a link I found to their Deviant Art and asked if either character in the image I send was underage. They replied with the following:
“That image is of Melissa and Dennis, two OC that I have created. Melissa is 23 and Dennis is 22.”
So therefor I never sent any child porn to Beebee, case closed.

I don't know how you're not already banned

Verdict: Exiled

Asian -1
Eats Dog +2
Collects Detective Rounds, nerd -1
Has No Life Achievement (Insomniac) -1
Weeb -9
Abuses Destroyer of Worlds -1
Azur Lane -5
Promotes communism -2
Attempting to demote Unpoke +5
Weeb -6
Add me on Epic7 +7

A total of -12 on your evaluation. It's a keep for my verdict.

Verdict: Boytoy

Reasoning: Ching chong yellow boyslave do scroll whip whip dab

Verdict: Boytoy

Reasoning: Ching chong yellow boyslave do scroll whip whip dab

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