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Black Parade’s beta application

Do you agree to not leak ANYTHING you see on this server?
That means, no discussing it in discord, or anywhere outside of that specific server, to anyone not involved. Failure to abide by this is a betrayal of our trust, and will have SEVERE consequences.


Why should we trust you not to leak any of the stuff you see?

I’ve worked on Isle of Demons and with Tobias and never leaked any important information regarding to map content, or any information you never want leaked in general. I will take this seriously as well and not leak anything important of whatever I’ll see in this beta.

Do you agree to not use anything you see for your own personal gain?
This includes, but is not limited to: trying to manipulate the market by using information you have learned via this beta, or using any knowledge gained here for any kind of gain, for you, or others.


I have to agree. He was a puppet on the first week of IOD.


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