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Kicked me on a bouncy round

(06-13-2016, 09:04 PM)[Mage]Mini Cosmic Wrote:  Well but we dont know ifs it is niceshot he said maybe and there is no real way of tell he just thinks its niceshot so it could be any staff who did it

Awesome and Niceshot were the only ones on when this happened and I was killing awesome when the vote kick started.

Yes I did kick him and I know it was uncalled for and unneeded I was just being dumb and did something I shouldn't have. Also I know I have no one else to blame other then myself but I would like to add the entire time I was on the server for multiple maps all halaman would do was rdm and troll people. Someone new join the server and he hit him to nearly dead and all he did was sit in the corner and it was his t round no less. Then he refused to slay and a map later I rdmed him and he demanded I take a slay. I don't see where that was fair to the newcomer or me. And on multiple occasions he would hit people with his melee and just run away if that isn't RDM and trolling I don't know what is. So to round off my rambling yes I do deserver some kind of punishment but halaman should in no case be off the hook. Contrary to unpokes drop ban I don't think that would affect me much since my play time on the server is limited due to the condition of my laptop so id say I own halaman at least 2 item crates 2's even thought he wasn't promised any drops even if getting 1-3 place. as well an apology I know what I did wasn't right I am sorry halaman.

If he was rdming and refused to take a slay... you get someone that can deal with it then. you dont take justice into your hands by rdming him back. that makes you no better than him

It wasn't a revenge rdm I had just killed him and I was using it as a point.

Nothing previous of that round matters because the premise of why you kicked him is unrelated. Anything after "I shouldn't have" is irrelevant lol.

- That Thrakos Noob

I'm not entirely sure how his trolling on a previous map is relevant to the fact that you approved a vote kick on a player during a minigame for no reason. I don't believe it should be a simple here's a couple item crates and everything is all good. Also, how could he refuse to slay? You're a +member, you have that ability over him. Compensation should not be the punishment here, but admins should decide on something else.

Also I like how you comment on my RDM but if you even take a look at this report it is very poor altogether. First he didn't even put my full name even thought he can see it in the server list (I'm not even sure he got the right steam ID). Second he changed the reason for the kick when no one has the power to do that mid kick. Third He listed no witnesses at all even thought he can go into his steam profile and see who all was on at that time. Fourth he didn't even know who it was and that ties back in the the first point how can you know the name (not really) and the steam ID if you don't know who it was. He even said in a later post that he "fixed" his report i think not.

(06-13-2016, 09:35 PM)[GR]NICESHOTgetrektm8 Wrote:  Also I like how you comment on my RDM but if you even take a look at this report it is very poor altogether. First he didn't even put my full name even thought he can see it in the server list (I'm not even sure he got the right steam ID). Second he changed the reason for the kick when no one has the power to do that mid kick. Third He listed no witnesses at all even thought he can go into his steam profile and see who all was on at that time. Fourth he didn't even know who it was and that ties back in the the first point how can you know the name (not really) and the steam ID if you don't know who it was. He even said in a later post that he "fixed" his report i think not.

That is because you started the vote kick through the !menu or it was because I was alive and I couldn't see who started the vote kick.

It is not your job to kick people, niceshot. You definitely should know better. This is not behavior that is wanted out of any +member and a punishment should be put into place in my opinion.

My further points were so state that he is no more a "perfect player" then I am he has an dose things he's not supposed to as well. And i know no one else is perfect ive seen mods and up mid rounds slay ive seen vote kicks be made and passed for stupid reasons. I am not trying to get out of a punishment i am just saying no one is perfect and me giving him the items it compensation for the items that he could have gotten because like i said i don't play much so a drop ban wouldn't affect me much if you have any better ideas id like to hear them.

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