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What more should you be able to do with coins?

Idea #1: Coin Sinks
Vanity objects to brag about, an exotic Badge that shows X coins donated to some cause.

(Brass' Idea here): Statues that would carry your players' currently equipped accessories, with a plaque for your name.
Special "Coins-Only" crates that can have virtually -any- random accessory. Yes, even holiday or limited time ones! (Or lots of Viking Helmets.)

Spend coins to "Add" to a "Bank", when X amount is reached, a new room is made in the Lobby Server for something!
Unlock new Dueling options and modes. "1 HP, Crowbars Only, room full of headcrabs!", or "Permanently iced movement". Maybe a mosh-pit where nobody has weapons, but one guy is infected forever and has to spread it as much as he can? There should be lots of cool possibilities. Also: Mac10's!

Rentable rooms where you can have portals to the Lobby server/TTT/anything like that, video screens to watch YouTube with your friends, extra lockers to store items (Like a second bank), cool places to put badges and mirrors to view yourself in. There'd be a limited amount and you'd have to pay "rent" every day.

Idea #2: Drop Changes

Basically, you can spend a certain amount of coins to increase the chance to get a specific TYPE of gun. E.G: Do you like rifles? Well, you'll get rifles more often than anything else. This will NOT change stats, tier, or any other special attributes.

More to come?

Idea #3: Basically Ripping Off The Tree Idea Of Brass'

Remember Evolving Crowbar? Yeah, that! Customize your crowbar! Change its color, boost its stats, etc. If you don't remember, basically for every +1% you put into a stat for it, you put -2% in another. Stats would cap at 20-30%. Maybe like 10,000 coins for a rainbow crowbar? When you kill someone with it, you can purchase special "Death Messages" to whoever you killed.

Ok running this idea off roblox how about for each 3000 Coins we can get 150 Rubies

Lord no, Cobalt. Most of the Ruby things you can get with Coins anyways, save for this season's Christmas Crates.

Ok here is all my suggestions I think we should have this Thing called Box Karma... See where im going with this we have a new stat (Not on weapons just a stat on everyone) box karma the way to increase box karma Is theirs a npc in the Lobby lets just call him Hapless Jim The Hobo When we donate Gold we have a better chance of Getting Good stuff see their should be 4 Options on Hapless Jim The Hobo We can donate 2500 which removes all the commons from your next box donate 3500 which removes Uncommons and Commons Donate 5500 which removes all the Unlikely's and under (the green ones) and for 20,000 removes all the Rare's and under This would drastically change the economy And then we could also have this Party Room thing on the lobby see lets say its Terrans Birthday So terran Rents a party room for 5000 gold a hour where he can invite all his friends for his birthday party and its just a server all to terran and his friends it plays nothing but Minigames Obc's dragon rounds lets just decrease the chance's for drops so it dosent become over powered how about only the top 2 win on obc rounds get guranteed loot and the top 2 damage done to the dragon on dragon rounds get guranteed loot and on wogs they have this Draw My Thing game where people type in chat guessing what the picture is and the drawer gets assigned a random word This should be a new minigame it has 5 rounds just think up abunch of New Minigames for the party room plus we should have new minigames how about one where everyone is small.

(12-26-2015, 06:28 PM)Jake1o Wrote:  STRONGLY dislike the part about increasing the stats. It makes dropping a higher stated gun meaningless. I do find the visual stuff could be very interesting for this though. Renaming would be alright but you know how it goes with that. People will rename their guns some pretty dumb things and we will have more rules to enforce because of it.

Not really? They would be NEW tiers, that drop with lowest stats possible, and you work your way up to the max stats. That's not saying other tiers that don't have this will be worse at all.

Did nobody read Brass' suggestion about the upgradeable weapons? He's planning on adding a new tier, not making it so you can upgrade existing ones.

My suggestion is a bit simpler. Decrease the drop rates of item crates and crescent cases, and lower their price in the coinshop. This would encourage people to buy directly from the coinshop instead of from other people. This would also encourage the ones who drop them to open them, due to their lesser price.

Hey Brassx, do I get compensation for not being able to get on for your present extravaganza?

Any way, here is an idea. Players can turn in coins at the lobby and in doing so, increase the chances of getting good weapons. These weapons can be set to be non tradable. Let's just say any weapon rare and up is considered good.

Let me give you an example. A player goes onto the lobby server and deposits say 100 coins to some kind of deposit box. Those 100 coins increase the chance of getting a good drop by say... 0.03% But if you do get an item from that 0.03% chance, it would be non tradable. TELL ME IF ANY OF YOU GET WHAT I'M SAYING.

I really like the coin only crates and skill tree tier, But could the statues perhaps be dependent on who got the most Xp for that week? because it rewards players who have skill.

I also really love Terran's idea "Spend coins to "Add" to a "Bank", when X amount is reached, a new room is made in the Lobby Server for something!" adding onto it, It could be cumulative effort with rewards that benefit everyone.

ex. Reach 20k in "donations" for a theater to be added (there could be some sort of ticket fee and a movie streamed every *Insert day here*)

If ^^^ is added there should definitely be a donation cap so that one person doesn't dump all of their money into it while everyone else rides on the coattails.

(12-27-2015, 03:09 AM)Atothemax(FML)=(Fuck my laptop) Wrote:  I really like the coin only crates and skill tree tier, But could the statues perhaps be dependent on who got the most Xp for that week? because it rewards players who have skill.

I also really love Terran's idea "Spend coins to "Add" to a "Bank", when X amount is reached, a new room is made in the Lobby Server for something!" adding onto it, It could be cumulative effort with rewards that benefit everyone.

ex. Reach 20k in "donations" for a theater to be added (there could be some sort of ticket fee and a movie streamed every *Insert day here*)

If ^^^ is added there should definitely be a donation cap so that one person doesn't dump all of their money into it while everyone else rides on the coattails.

Yeah sounds like a good idea. Maybe there could be a special set of tiered badges for how many coins you have donated. (e.g a tier 1 and 100 coins, a tier 2 at 1000, a tier 3 at 10k,) with each one replacing the previous one. The badge could also have the exact amount of coins you have donated when you hover over it.
^This would help get people to donate coins.

(12-27-2015, 02:23 AM)DiamondElf32 Wrote:  Hey Brassx, do I get compensation for not being able to get on for your present extravaganza?

Any way, here is an idea. Players can turn in coins at the lobby and in doing so, increase the chances of getting good weapons. These weapons can be set to be non tradable. Let's just say any weapon rare and up is considered good.

Let me give you an example. A player goes onto the lobby server and deposits say 100 coins to some kind of deposit box. Those 100 coins increase the chance of getting a good drop by say... 0.03% But if you do get an item from that 0.03% chance, it would be non tradable. TELL ME IF ANY OF YOU GET WHAT I'M SAYING.

I don't think you should be able to enhance your drops at all, even by such a miniscule amount.

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