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Old Man Signing Out

I'm sorry if this seems like it's coming out of nowhere, but there's really no avoiding this anymore.
As of this post I don't plan on playing FRG anymore.
This was going to be a departure, but I did say I was never going to depart and I plan on sticking to that.
If I come back later it'll most likely be after quite some time.

In reality I was going to make this post a year ago, at my lowest point with the server, feeling like anything I did up to that point was a complete waste of time and anything I contributed meant nothing. There was nothing left for me here anymore, all of the people I knew were either gone or moving onto other things. I didn't have a place here anymore. Being told I was best off as just a player just cemented the feelings of unappreciation and unwant. Where can you really go from there?

Looking at it from a different light I said to hell with it, why not just be a player? Why not the "best player" whatever that is?
If I had done everything I thought I could have done for the server why not for myself or my enjoyment?
Why not "forge my journey from scratch"? A bit memey, but the point was I decided to play how I wanted to, as a player.
I really enjoyed doing events, so I did them, a lot.  I met a few other people who also liked events and we did some pretty cool things(you may have heard of us). I really enjoyed the time we had coming up with strategies, testing new stuff all for the purpose of getting things done slightly faster to bring that record down even further. I've accomplished a lot of goals, by myself and  with them, numerous times and I'm glad to say I got to experience the best time I've had while here with them.

Now I'm here, in seemingly the same boat as before. More people moved on, friendships fade, and I'm still here, my feelings haven't changed. The records we set are not in stone and can change with the right people getting sweaty enough. My bank value is immense but the inventory could not matter less to me and regardless I'm tradebanned with no intentions of changing that. All I have left is personal goals which I can pointlessly grind for months to no avail. That feeling of achievement really isn't there anymore. The thing I've always hated most is the feeling of being stuck and unable to progress.
To tell you the truth I wanted any sort of reason to stay, but it's become very apparent to me how much time I do waste on the server doing nothing which I find fun or productive, and the more time I spend the less I have to show for it.

So for now I'm going to find different hobbies and try to enjoy my time more. I don't know when I'll come back, if I'll come back.

I've seen how greatly the server can change over such a short time, in such big ways. In NTG when I took a break I came back to a new inventory system and a massive community forming. When I returned here grims had just released which kicked off my love of events.
I've been here through a lot, and you guys have been here for me through a lot. I have a couple hundred of regrets and some unresolved issues but it's nothing time won't change.
Whatever ends up happening, I hope the best for you guys.


Also this thread was meant to be posted yesterday but I've sort of mulled over it for quite some time and never got the right words so I spent a very long time writing, re-writing, and going over this. I'm pretty indecisive and you should know that by now, so for my sake can we pretend like I posted this on the April 15th like my standards demand I have to?
In return feel free to message me over steam or discord if you have me added(or want to), I'm always happy to talk to you guys.

I cant speak for everyone, but it was fun having you around and it'll be fun seeing you if/when you pop around.

im gonna miss seeing you around, come around when ever you can, and have a good life.
chainy, chany, cheeny, cheesey, cheese, chebby, cheddy, kenny, chad, jeremy bentknee, bently, chendy bedendy, cheny deddy

Goodbye old man, you were the first to talk to me when I joined the server and introduced me to it. You were basically my source of inspiration because of that. I still clearly remember my first trade for my arm guards.
Hope you have a great time in real life.

Thank you for all of the events Kurbo, hope you come back soon enough in 2030 when Fishing 2.0 gets released.
Love you grandpa.

You can't do this, this is illegal.

I agree with jerk butt, this is illegal.

From meeting you for the first time on ttt and playing with you in events, I’ve grown to like you a lot. It was really fun to watch you and your team play events when they first came out when you
Were steaming like asylum and iod, and it inspired me to grind them and see how fast a team I’m in can do it (news flash: still 0 records Sad ).

Without knowing each other Kuriosity would be never thought of or created. That map arguably has the most stuff I have ever put into a map, and it was a really fun map to create with you. After your MS Paint drawings I
Started to make some ideas for the layout, and what could be inside of it. The finished project looked great, and with Brass looking at the map after a few important bugs he wanted me to fix before he release it into the server, Brass gave me the opportunity to make the next event, Isle of Demons. I don’t think I would’ve helped with IOD if it wasn’t for your map.

It was awesome playing with you, I hope you’ll come back once in a while to play.

Now we need someone else to make lore...

Thank you for showing me how to do slide puzzles before you left man, you the mvp. Feel free to come around when you feel like it. :>

Thanks for all your help and feedback on stuff i've developed. Even if you don't think its true, both brassx and i have listened to your feedback. A lot of my items probably wouldn't be nearly as cool without you, so thanks Smile

Good luck on whatever you do next, and even though we stopped talking these last few months i still consider you a good friend.

The door will always be open for fun times, good luck with whatever you wanna do.

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