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Community Dev Tools?

For awhile now I've had weird wonky ideas that I wanna try out to see if they'd be fun for the user or opponent that people just write off as "shit". If we had Community Dev Tools, we could be able to create these weapons OURSELVES so Brass or anyone else Dev'ing doesn't have to code for hours on end just to find out their idea just SUCKS and needs to start again. It could also help make cool as hell Traits and Extinct ideas if done right.
The ideal Dev Tool would be something user friendly, but I know how difficult that could be. For example, if I wanted to make a new Trait that has a damage rampup depending on how long it has been on the opponent, it wouldn't be as easy and clicking a drop down that says rampup. Instead you have to type out the exact equation the damage has to follow and shit like that.
However, I realize Models and Reload Animations are pretty easy to dev on their own. In GMod and other source games, there exists easy drag and drop tools to make weapons and remodel weapons (like how in TF2 you can just drag and drop a new ragdoll model for scout to be, say, master chief and even though it looks jankey as hell, it still works).

What do you guys think, should we get an FRG Community Workshop to post new models and particle effects, and maybe the more experienced coders making traits and stuff?

One more thing, TF2 implemented something like this awhile back but instead of the item being discovered, the dev should get a one of a kind Self-Made quality version of the item they dev'ed and the "Discovered by" text would be replaced by "Developed by."

I think you're underestimating the amount of work this would take.

(11-27-2019, 05:49 PM)NNNYYYTTTEEEMMMAAARRRTTT Wrote:  I think you're underestimating the amount of work this would take.

Not at all, I know how hard it is to code in general, but making coding easy is much MUCH harder, I'm just saying it would be useful to the community AND Brass himself.

I don't think this is a good idea. If every player is able to make their own weapons someone or a group of people would have to regulate them. And there would be so many people making game-breaking traits and stats.

The closest thing to this for weapons are the enhanceable weapons. Also finding out something you suggested is too silly to implemented is just something you have to deal with.

Suggestions require buffs and nerf and you need to realize no one in this community knows what they want. The people who suggest things are the only ones making an effort to put their ideas and what they would like to see out there. What people in the community say about your suggestion by no means, means that it has no chance of being implemented or at least considered.

Look at finality, it has the ability to damage everyone around the user for 4 damage per x seconds for like 15 seconds and has great stats. This would initially be run off as insane. Don't make your suggestions to appease the community, make them to to be interesting to yourself first (of course you don't want to be too memey).

Its not a bad idea at all, but it does not fit a community like FRG, in my opinion.

Would be super cool to have, and it would be useful even for brass to just test suggestions etc without writing them off or picking them without having to hotfix them. If it could be something like the Smite testing system or the Aim CSGO Map with clickable buttons adding traits, with damage/time next to the traits. (Or it could be something like commands such as "+phoenix" or "!addphoenix duration overalldmg" while in the testing area) Now of course this version wouldnt exactly work with custom traits, but many new tiers, etc could be tested here to compare etc so i could see it being useful even for brass (Now will the use be worth compared to the time it takes and the people who use idk). But I really like it expecially since it would help test new things before they are added along with being able to test changes and new stuff.

Example commands for example purposes so that its use wont be understated
!addphoenix 20 30 (20 seconds 30 damage overall)
Could even just be a generic trait compilation such as !add DoT 20 30 so there isnt seperate phoenix and corrosion and others.
!add explosion 0 (Would add a explosion with 0 damage)
!add traitdamage 20 (Flat damage via trait)
!add effect shock 20 (shackes your screen for 20 second)
Explosion + Trait damage + shock effect , basically extinct thrakos (If you were suggesting the extinct thrakos you could use these combinations to test it, and to try any buffs or nerfs you recommend)

basically what nytemart said.
Brass would have to spend wayy too long implementing this, and it's just not really a good idea.
There's nothing stopping you, right now, from making SWeps and testing your ideas. there's tons of guides on how to do it and easy-to-edit formats.

I think everyone else who replied either underestimated the amount of work it would take and the complexity of it, or just misunderstood the suggestion all together.

Games that generally have something along these lines have a DEV TEAM of many coders so they do have time to focus on something like this. Brass has enough on his plate would just take way to long for one person to focus on when you are the only person.

(11-27-2019, 06:38 PM)Zschardeu Hasselfrou Wrote:  I don't think this is a good idea. If every player is able to make their own weapons someone or a group of people would have to regulate them. And there would be so many people making game-breaking traits and stats.

The closest thing to this for weapons are the enhanceable weapons. Also finding out something you suggested is too silly to implemented is just something you have to deal with.

Suggestions require buffs and nerf and you need to realize no one in this community knows what they want. The people who suggest things are the only ones making an effort to put their ideas and what they would like to see out there. What people in the community say about your suggestion by no means, means that it has no chance of being implemented or at least considered.

Look at finality, it has the ability to damage everyone around the user for 4 damage per x seconds for like 15 seconds and has great stats. This would initially be run off as insane. Don't make your suggestions to appease the community, make them to to be interesting to yourself first (of course you don't want to be too memey).

Its not a bad idea at all, but it does not fit a community like FRG, in my opinion.

"Don't make your suggestions to appease the community, make them to to be interesting to yourself first (of course you don't want to be too memey)."

I guess this is why your suggestions are always ridiculous. You should be making suggestions to appease the community. They should be the ones who dictate what is getting added into the server. They are the ones USING the weapons added to the server.

Learn Lua and present the weapon to Brass yourself.

It would be a waste of time to create dev tools when he can do everything himself.
Having more users to help would be wonderful, but making a set of dev tools for people to use is redundant and frankly, not impressive.

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