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My Masterwork Suggestions

I may be a bit too critical on this suggestion...

Of your PVE major nodes, the only one I think that will have some valuable use is the Marked for Death; Marked for Death seems to have the most beneficial use and worth to use. However I would assume this would be something you can activate in both PVE and PVP since a single gamemode use for an ability would make this node very disatisfying to unlock.

The other PVE major seem to be reused TTT traitor menu ideas with too many draw backs to be of valuable use. For Dog eat dog relying on another player to accept a condition puts the USER in a position where their ability is either useless or slightly beneficial, if you are currently in the middle of a fight this ability could hinder the team distracting them from their main focus to accept a prompt.

The PVP MAJOR nodes seem to be underwhelming in my opinion.
-Fake: is a reskinned raw energy burst and has very little creative use other than the occasional 15 damage mine which does not provide effective use in TTT. Comparing this to the Voltaic which is a new concept, the use of trap weapons, the ability is underpowered.
-Clone: is just gemini
-Trail of Smoke: The name does not tell me what you are saying; What you seem to describe is like the Ignis Fire tornados above the target. But the idea is just a reskinned/ different version of the Meteor sword gleam and Tracer
-Seven tools of a bandit: This ability would be too overpowered and would ruin traitor rounds for other players. Traps are already underpowered in TTT for traitors there is no need for an ability to piss off the trap users. (Some players prefer to use traps than guns, myself included, My least favorite thing is when someone shoots my traps cuz it is just barely visible having a feature that gives a single player the ability to be an exception to my traps would ruin my T rounds).
-Bag of Tricks seems more like a weird gimick than an ability; Reminds me of the Scorchshot guns and Meatballer with the illusion bullets and seems like a lame ability.

The Final Nodes all seem very underwhelming and underpowered.
I don't want to review all your final nodes but ill go over a few.

-Friendly Djinn: Relies on the use of another item in the hotbar and has no use outside of TTT (AI are not affected by Djinn balls atm)
-Hacked Summon: Gemini but with a weird twist with no reliable use.
-Jester's Plot is a good idea; Reminds me of the Traitor Item called "ID disguiser" which replaces your player model and name with the corpse of the person you use it on.
-Mistake: Seems more like a Major Node
-Gates of Hell: We don't have a defibrillator and the Closest thing to it currently are zombies, so allowing a single player to revive themselves at all should be left to the traitor weapons, I believe, instead of being placed on a gun whether or not kills are needed.

Messages In This Thread
My Masterwork Suggestions - Feach₀₂ - 11-09-2019, 07:28 PM
RE: My Masterwork Suggestions - Zschardeu Hasselfrou - 11-09-2019, 08:49 PM

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