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[New Minigame] Capture the Flag

Minigame: Capture the Flag

-Only on select maps

How the players work:
-gives crates and possibly has a unique godlike and runes of easing (gives 2 runes of easing to the winning team and the losing team does not receive runes and receives reduced crate count)
-All players on a team receive the same loot enabling all players to work effectively to win with incentive(the godlike or primordial items would be given randomly a winning team player)
-All players are given crowbars, beam swords, fist of the djinn (beam swords would make it more interesting I think) to tag other players
-all players are given either speed boosts or the mobility from the melee itself may be enough
-getting hit once by a melee sends you to a jail site opposite or located far enough from the flag
-Bunny , Jump, and Gravity Crystals are disabled
-A player with the flag will hold it out, just like how warbanner is held out
-If an odd number of players are present, one team will have one more member
-If a player happens to die either from the map or other means, the player must wait 15 seconds to respawn and will respawn in a jail.
-A player with the flag cannot use the melee item and can only hold the flag out
-When the flag is captured the player holding the flag has reduced mobility(-10% mobility from original mobility IE: if the default speed is 30% the player with the flag has 20%)

How the game/map works:
-The first team to 3-5 captures wins
-On a symmetrical map, the map will be split in half bounding it to two territories.
-There will be blue team and red team (half the server is split into teams)
-A re-colored/re-purposed War-banner model (A bright blue and red or different colors) could be used as the flag and an enemy player would have to walk up and either melee, click e or walk through it to pick it up
- The server must be above a specific player count (12 or 16)
- An indicator will appear above the flag location and jail-like a plasma shield that players can walkthrough.

Maps that would apply:
Some maps would have verticallity where an enemy flag is on a floor higher than the enemy

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