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Devestator159 False Slay

(08-23-2019, 01:35 AM)Devestator159 Wrote:  I didn't solely slay for the getting killed cuz I shot out the valg sun, the other reason for the slay is that when you "Finally I decided to shoot him for it" I was in the middle of killing a kosed t and you purposefully killed me instead of him. I understand now that the valg sun is t baiting but the timing on you killing me seems kinda odd given circumstance around it. The slay was still rightful just for a different reason.

You should never handle your own slays. Be it against others or for yourself. Let someone else do it or just drop it if no one else is on. Advice from a person who has been staff on a few servers. I've never seen it end well for people.

Messages In This Thread
Devestator159 False Slay - Jertz - 08-22-2019, 08:28 PM
RE: Devestator159 False Slay - lil yeet - 08-22-2019, 08:29 PM
RE: Devestator159 False Slay - lil yeet - 08-22-2019, 08:46 PM
RE: Devestator159 False Slay - MicroBoss - 08-22-2019, 10:51 PM
RE: Devestator159 False Slay - Tarrasque - 08-24-2019, 06:52 AM
RE: Devestator159 False Slay - MicroBoss - 08-24-2019, 06:58 AM
RE: Devestator159 False Slay - Tarrasque - 08-24-2019, 07:04 AM
RE: Devestator159 False Slay - MicroBoss - 08-24-2019, 06:41 PM
RE: Devestator159 False Slay - Bezerker - 08-24-2019, 07:13 PM

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