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Players vs Boss suggestions

I've mentioned some of this on the server before, but this is more of a recap of improvements and general core changes I feel would be to a positive benefit. This has no structure and no actual order, its just rambling.

Firstly, there needs to be more human player interaction in the fight. FRG TTT boss fights are fun, but they're not engaging; you sit and shoot and that's about it. To change that, there should be a whole new kind of movement system. Players should be able to dash forwards, sort of like a short-range blink, double jump, negate fall damage, even do things like wall running (if possible). The whole focus should be mobility and staying alive while dealing damage.

To back up that first part, possibly the boss could get a "Damage radar" which will show where, or maybe who, is doing the highest DPS. Someone kiting the boss is probably going to do less than someone sitting in a corner spraying, and if that makes them an obvious target, then that's the risk they're taking.

Stationary turrets on the map would be interesting. It'd be a location a human player could go on for very high damage, but as per the name they wouldn't be able to move around while using the turret, so it'd definitely attract the boss.

Power-ups should spawn on the map. Basic ones could be just medikits to restore life, or temporary shielding, damage reduction, mobility increases, special temporary ammo type (slowing/blinding/higher DPS on the boss), cloaks, etc. This would give people incentives to move around the map and grab what useful bits and bobs they can find. I feel that, as per previous points, mobility is key. That's what would keep it fun.

Another quick idea is that if possible, sniper rifles should still have a place. When scoped in, it should light up a special "Weak point" that slowly shifts around. Only a scoped in rifle can damage this, but it'd do a lot of extra damage. The downside is you're way more vulnerable scoped in, with your mobility negated.

Also, guns should be more even across the board. We don't need as much base weapon balance as TTT, so damage falloff should be removed for ALL Guns (Why do Galils have no damage falloff, but a Mac10 does?), to give more variety. In a similar fashion, moving shouldn't increase the spread of the crosshair or affect the accuracy. High-paced tension feels important.

Suffixes shouldn't stack quite as much easier, or the bosses should have an ability to purge themselves of them if given a moment. This would leave them vulnerable to normal fire, but give them a short term "immunity" for a breather from the sixty stacks of bleeding and agony.

Last for now, please make sure quickswap/fast weapon switch, not sure why it doesn't work, very unfortunate and not fun.
A disable for being selected as boss is good too. Some people just want to human, they don't want to roll the boss.

Bosses should ALWAYS be able to catch players, no matter their speed; it should come down to juking the boss. More mobility options for the boss are essential too; he should be able to get around much quicker.

The boss being able to spawn minions via objectives or special actions would be neat, especially if they were NPC. Think just basic, mostly stationary guys that are there to keep the heat off the boss a bit and provide some backup. Like snowmen in the santa fight. They could be raised from players' corpses, or maybe summoned in specific spots.

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