08-16-2019, 05:30 PM
Age: 19
Steam Name: Cute.
Time played on servers?: 100 Hours in TTT, 37 Hours lobby.
Where did you hear about this server?: Cupa.
Have you ever been banned and why?: No.
Why do you want to join?: Shiny button and more reason to clock in more hours.
Referred by: Cupa (to the sever), Jake1o (to the forum).
Additional Details: Obsessed with peoples.
Steam Name: Cute.
Time played on servers?: 100 Hours in TTT, 37 Hours lobby.
Where did you hear about this server?: Cupa.
Have you ever been banned and why?: No.
Why do you want to join?: Shiny button and more reason to clock in more hours.
Referred by: Cupa (to the sever), Jake1o (to the forum).
Additional Details: Obsessed with peoples.