07-16-2019, 06:35 PM
Age: 22
Steam Name(Current): DangerLoli
Time played on servers?(!time username to check): 397 hours
Where did you hear about this server?: Nivendo
Have you ever been banned and why?: Once. It was the beginning of 2018 (?) and it was an autoban because the system said i was cheating. Zott said it was a mistake and fixed it.
Why do you want to join?: I only play this server when I get on gmod and its one of the 3 main games I play. This server is pretty great.
Referred by: Nivendo
Additional Details:
Steam Name(Current): DangerLoli
Time played on servers?(!time username to check): 397 hours
Where did you hear about this server?: Nivendo
Have you ever been banned and why?: Once. It was the beginning of 2018 (?) and it was an autoban because the system said i was cheating. Zott said it was a mistake and fixed it.
Why do you want to join?: I only play this server when I get on gmod and its one of the 3 main games I play. This server is pretty great.
Referred by: Nivendo
Additional Details: