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"Fantasy" Suggestion Stuff IDK

Will o' Wisp:
Primordial TMP
Accuracy +10%
Damage +5%
Firerate +20%
Mobility +20%
Stability -30%
Reload Speed -10%
*1 in (8-12) to summon a wisp around you. The wisp, on contact, burns the victim for 3 seconds and does 10 damage.

Legendary Misc.
*Dropping this banner/flag will give players around it a +10% mobility and stability for 25 seconds.
Banner/flag will decay after 10 seconds.
Has a 60 second cooldown.

Shadow Step:
Unique Godlike
(Get rightful kills in TTT to gain experience. Level this up to +10 to upgrade it.)
*Hold left click to charge a shadow dash. Just a small warrior dash (15 second cooldown).
A pair of stylish pistols that possess demonic powers.

Twin Nightmares:
Unique Godlike
(Resets back to 0. Level this up to +12 to upgrade it. Maybe add an Ancient Gemstone and give it to Arvid to craft?)
Gain experience based on your actions:
Holy: Get rightful kills in TTT to gain experience.
Wicked: Get monster kills (rats, spiders, etc.) in Events to gain experience.
*Right click for fully automatic firing mode.
*Hold left click to charge a shadow dash.
Whoever holds these pistols will bring destruction to others and themselves.

Idk (wip) :
Unique Celestial
Once upgraded gain one of the following abilities base on your actions.
Holy: 1 in 10-12 to shoot a God ray that pierces through victims and burns them for 3 seconds.
Wicked: 1 in 10-12 to shoot a bloody skull that homes in on victims and despairs them for 3 seconds.
*Right click for fully automatic firing mode.
*Hold left click to charge a(n) angelic/demonic dash (10 second cooldown).
Pistols that have been brought to salvation and damnation. Two weapons of destruction by each other's sides.

Just some ideas I had. A lot of these things can be improved on and any feedback would be noice. I just want the last gun to be add plis. I don't care if it's trash, changed, or anything. Just add it so I can be heppy.

What's the difference between holy and the glaedr/ Extinct ascultone proc?

The difference is that holy is more like the prebuff epilogue where it pierces targets but burns them also. Tbh i ran out of ideas there.

I really like the Warbanner idea. I had a similar idea for something like that, but not as good.

Im a huge fan of the will o wisps and warbanner. Why dont you make the dash thing a unique trait available to only certain weapons (ex Ghost Trait) due to seeming kinda repetitive and I really wouldnt be too pleasant in my opinion if half the server is just using miniblinks 24/7, I also think cooldown should be closer to the 30 seconds. As a big fan of cool feeling guns, I would love to see the Wip since it would probably feel cool.

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