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What donation incentives do you guys think would be good?

Don't forget, the coins you get from donating come from within the economy. It's not nearly as bad as donating DIRECTLY for spawned in currency, like literally every other server.

I intentionally take a hit in terms of income simply because of morals, and what I stand for. But, it is not cheap or free to do what I do, and spend the amount of time I do on FRG. Warning, wall of text!

The truth is, FRG is my job, and a HUGE chunk of my life, but it doesn't have to be. I have options out there, I've had job offers.  Well paying jobs that offer me income security, removal of the stress of dealing with all the drama that comes with owning a server. I continue working on FRG because I mostly enjoy it, and care about my community of players. I enjoy making content and bringing you all together to experience it. Knowing I have made some form of impact that some of you will remember forever, is quite an indescribable feeling. As cliche as that sounds, it's true.

But the lack of 'job security' is pretty scary sometimes. Not knowing how much I will make in a month.. It varies extremely wildly. I'm not living at home like most of you probably are. I have bills to pay of my own, ontop of the GMOD's server bills(don't even get me started on taxes). I'm not just running around with the money I make on FRG buying fancy new cars and flexing on my player base. I definitely make enough to get by because of all your generous contributions, and I'm extremely grateful to anyone who donates, but the long hours of working on FRG with 0 guarantees I will get anything back from it takes a toll on my life in general.

A MASSIVE chunk(99%) of all of the content I make on FRG is completely free, without even a thought of "how can I make the most amount of money from this?". I think that is pretty apparent at this point, because if I really wanted to, I could try to squeeze out as much money as I could by selling all of these fancy items I spend HOURS on, directly, or let you buy coins directly. Or anything of the like. But I don't.

I hear it all the time, "FRG's donator perks are trash". But then I see players almost trying to talk down others from donating when they mention it, or making fun/calling them pay2win. Do you guys realize this hurts the entire server's longevity in the end? Without adequate donations, I will be forced to get a real job, which I am okay with(won't be the first time), but that would basically mean the end of FRG as you know it. So think to yourself, how much do you care about the server, or your items? Is it worth it just because someone has some extra money to spend on the server, to ridicule them, and maybe talk them out of it, when their donation could help go towards the server bill + my own bills?

Just keep in mind when you think about how 'greedy' you think I might be. I'm just a single person, not a big company with millions of dollars trying to milk my player base for as much money as possible. I need the donations to get by, and continue what I've been doing here.

Messages In This Thread
RE: What donation incentives do you guys think would be good? - Brassx - 03-20-2019, 10:07 PM

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