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Ironmen don't get challenge/quest/daily etc progression from other players weapons

Default map-spawned weapons are A-OK, but they're IRONMEN. You don't go to a guy who drops a scythe of vidarr in runescape and do a slayer task with it, do you? No!

"oh hurr durr im an ironman hey drop me that exalted mini uzi pls :^^^) thanks"

i dont think we should add special accommodations for "ironman" accounts beyond a 1-time checkbox to trade ban yourself.

It's not an officially recognized game mode. There's a million different ways to play it, technically an ironman should never be able to do any event because it requires other people.

Not being able to do events would ruin the fun for me which is why I personally choose to do it.

You don't even need to consider anyone who is tradebanned an "ironman" if you don't want to or even recognize the gamemode, It's all for fun.

only thing i dont think iron men should be able to do is win giveaways

why does this matter, like kuro said, its not an officially recognized gamemode. Being an "ironman" is the player's choice to get as far as they can without trading or anything. If they ask someone to drop a weapon for them so they can work on a scroll, while not 100% upholding the "ironman" definition, that's still their choice.

Change name to Bronzeman when

(03-02-2019, 10:10 PM)wind Wrote:  only thing i dont think iron men should be able to do is win giveaways

I think people who are tradebanned in general shouldn't be able to win items in the giveaway.

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