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ban appeal

Steam Name (Current): howtostopctsfromtakingbsite

Steam Name (During incident): Mooo (i think)
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:60182130

Steam Profile Link: https://steamcommunity.com/id/moooxd/

Name of staff you were banned by: dosn't say

Length of the ban: perm

Would you like your ban shortened or repealed?: repealed

Reason for ban: no reason given

Did you commit the actions stated in the ban reason?:

What really happened?: i dont know why i was banned from this server

Additional details: nope just want to be unbanned from this epic server

hacking ban.

what. please explain as i have never cheated and will never cheat on this server

(11-21-2018, 06:07 AM)howtostopctsfromtakingbsite Wrote:  what. please explain as i have never cheated and will never cheat on this server

I bet you forgot the USB in your computer again
Minehuis: Pancakes
Rangerdanger0: Waffles
Rangerdanger0: lol rekt


Well you see, it says you were banned for hacking by one of our moderators, who then took it to an admin or higher with proof that you were hacking and raised it to a permanent ban.

You were caught and it's as simple as that, we don't allow hackers in our server and we never will.

Hi, I banned you.

It was very obvious you were using a hack to see through walls, I even got a few people telling me you were hacking, and you were. I spectated you and a lot of those kills you made were wiggidy wiggidy wack so I had to ban you.
⠀⠠⠀⠀⠀⠀⠙  ⣴⠒⠒⣲⢔⠉⠉⣹⣞⣉⣈⠿⢦⣀


And there ya have it.

- That Thrakos Noob

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