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minehuis player report

Steam Name of Offending Player(s): Minehuis https://puu.sh/C1W1E/c6b62b3903.jpg

Steam ID of Offending Player(s): STEAM_0:0:81250505

Map the event happened on: Roy the ship?

Date of event: 11/14/2018

What Happened?: So, this member just starts making snooty comments towards me. Okay, it's no big deal. He says "No one cares" about some comment i made. I tell him "lol if you dont want to hear it then why not block me?". Afterwards, he lies by saying that I AM blocked, then what happens next is, well, I'm sure you can tell by the ''evidence'', is quite an awkward/uncomfortable experience. I can guarantee you he was not being "satire" at all and is showing of unacceptable behavior from a Member, in ANY community. I have him blocked as of after the situation, but he's already tried to get me in trouble by reporting me after T-baiting me and reporting after i called him out... This is kind of absurd.

Witnesses: Jiyo, devestator maybe, a few others i cannot remember.

     1 https://puu.sh/C1W2u/744b993124.jpg
     2 https://puu.sh/C1W3d/d17506aeed.jpg In this final picture you can see where he says i get mad after him saying no one cares, but to be frank i only got "mad" after his proceeding messages. If he truly has evidence, it will show it all.


yeah, not sure about this one. Firstly, i'm not sure that this is even WORTH a forum report, it's a few passing messages that we can only see one-sided context behind, and secondly, in my experiences with snoz (needless I post *any* discord chatlogs including him), he's not shy to start throwing out personal attacks along the same lines. this feels hypocritical and spited at best to me.



I personally cannot help but feel that you are definately leaving out details. When the sharking scandal went down you personally started messaging me on discord being overly toxic and agressive stating numerous rude comments about the event which you yourself wasn't there to witness nor knew sufficient details about. Anyways what I'm getting at is that you deleted all of those messages immediately after which I found super suspicious and I feel that in this report you might be doing the same here by leaving out details. Will wait for full story

Minehuis does have his problems with disrespect and such (I was one of his main targets when I was a member and +member) so I know full well what he likes to do with constant t baiting and then trying to force the blame on the person.

I'll post more once video has been posted.

it's just a bit weird how you exclude bits like this from yourself:
again, I doubt we're getting the whole story.

Not posting the entire story does not do justice for you, you started this by calling him a cunt and then he escalated even higher. You (Snoz) and Minehuis are both getting a week ban.


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