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2Koreds Toxicity

Steam Name of Offending Player(s): 2Koreds

Steam ID of Offending Player(s): STEAM_0:0:53173093

Map the event happened on: as_resident_evil

Date of event: 10/24/2018

What Happened?:
On the previous map, he was just being an ass to a level 5. Who was saying that someone with a skeleton skin was a T. Then 2Koreds said, "You can't call me out, you didn't see my name." Which Terran and I basically knew he was a T. Edit and I said to Death, the level 5 in question, you can't kos off skin. He was understanding and seemed he was learning the rules. When the round ended, 2Koreds reported the poor guy. Giving him a huge report on how it's wrong to kos off skin. I told 2Koreds "This is a huge ass report worthy of forums, why did you do it? We already told Death not to kos off skin." 2Koreds said something close to this "I don't trust the intelligence of member+." (It involved lack of intelligence and member+ not trusting them to do their job.) Now on Resident Evil, Death was saying the guy with the skeleton was the T again. It didn't sound like a Kos. After the round he said very rude and the guy didn't deserve anything 2Koreds was saying. See picture to read what 2Koreds said to a new person.

Later, there was a fight in the break room and we were able to kill a T. Terran heard a teleport sound and noted that he didn't see 2Koreds leave (The video was choppy at that point in time to show he didn't leave the room). Then I said, "Yea he is a T, no kos." 2Koreds said, "I literally jumped down the vent." He said it twice about jumping down the vent. The one frame showed the vent was still on and you can hear me shoot the vent off 0:47. As I was saying that he blatantly lied about going down the vent. I checked the other vent to make sure it wasn't broken. The case could be made he Grimoire of BWed up there, thankfully it was still on 1:15. That would make that whole backend a one-way exit and that would be through the breakroom. Which Terran was agreeing with me. The only way he could leave was through T methods, invis or teleport. If you turn up your sound at 0:25 you can hear a teleport barely. So I called him out knowing that this was a one-way exit and he lied about going through a sealed vent. After the round he lived and he showed his reformed state by tbagging me, you can even see him correcting himself to be over my body 2:07. He was saying that I was wrong and I couldn't kill for that. I tried saying something that would have made sense, but I was too tired and gave up on it. 2Koreds says, "going down the vent or not doesnt make you a t." Which the vent was covered and needed to be shot to go through. The only other way to leave was teleporting away, which he did. So, I Kosed him for lying. Then 2Koreds said, "honestly just putting this moron back on the block list."

Witnesses: Edit, Terran, Singlings


I mean, I'm labelled as a witness but I'm not the sort of guy to judge situations like this, I act pretty out of turn. I assume that'll mean my very neutral position is OK to take.

But my point of view anyways, of the immediate situation that happened. (This is off of memory, not the video, which isn't loading for me anyways). I walked into the room and some stuff happened, then I saw 2koreds run into the back area. Another player (a traitor) came forwards out of the same room/area 2Koreds was in, and started shooting, and me as well as another player or two gunned them down. We were at the doorway where the traitor was downed, and I heard a TP sound.

I figured it was a "huh" moment, but when I went into the area, I noticed that 2koreds was gone, and the entrance we came in was blocked off due to the provens sitting there (fatties). 2Koreds said he broke the vent in the back of the room, the only other exit, but the vent entrance was unbroken (i.e nobody went into it). I then figured the situation was pretty hecked, so I kept playing the game. 2Koreds and BeeBee both had a side on it, the former saying that even if he gave false information (i.e 2koreds), that wasn't a reason to kill off of; BeeBee saying the opposite (e.g "The only logical solution is you used a T item to escape). The round went on and I don't remember if anyone gave any actual KOS's out (I didn't), and 2Koreds won the round.

I went to steam and talked to Unpoke and asked his opinion. Here's the full chat log below. The situation just seemed like a mess, but it was pretty hostile and negative overall.

3:02 PM - Terran: Hey, can you help me?
3:02 PM - Terran: staff thing
3:02 PM - Terran: quick question
3:02 PM - Unpoke: sure
3:02 PM - Unpoke: sup
3:02 PM - Terran: So there was a T in a dead end of the map with a secret vent exit
3:02 PM - Terran: now, there was another player behind him but didn't shoot the T
3:02 PM - Terran: then that player walked into a dead end room and we heard a TP sound
3:02 PM - Terran: but the player was gone
3:02 PM - Terran: he said he went through the vent
3:03 PM - Terran: but the vent was unbroken
3:03 PM - Terran: so nobody could go down it
3:03 PM - Terran: could the player be KOS'd for that?
3:03 PM - Terran: He left a place there's no way to leave without going through one of two entrances, one was unbroken, the other had 3 provens in front of it
3:03 PM - Terran: currently beebee and 2koreds are arguing a storm and I'd
3:03 PM - Terran: rather be able to stop it
3:04 PM - Terran: but yeah he said he went down the vent but it was unbroken, aka, can't go down
3:04 PM - Terran: but I have no idea wtf would go for that
3:05 PM - Unpoke: that sounds super confusing, but do what you think should be done and make sure they know your word is final
3:05 PM - Terran: Well, BeeBee is +member so I figured I'd leave the decision to him, but then 2Koreds called him stuff and BeeBee called him stuff and I just told them to heck off
3:05 PM - Terran: and they both agreed to
3:05 PM - Terran: but both still think each was in the right

On several occasions I've seen 2koreds be toxic since getting member, revenge rdm'd my friend with explosive barrel, throws tantrums when kos'd from time to time, I'm sure other people have seen it happen.

I dont fully understand the situation, but koreds does show signs of toxicity through the video, the evidence Beebee provided in his explanation, and game chat.

As the one Frosto has mentioned, I have some input here.

This isn't a secluded incident and no one should believe as such. 2koreds is usually toxic at most times he is on the servers. On several occasions I have seen him be toxic towards other people seemingly out of nowhere. In the incident Frosto mentioned it originally started out on resident evil like this complaint. I killed a player in a room around the corner that 2koreds was in. I leave the room after a few seconds with no witnesses and merge into a group of innos that pass by 2koreds. 2koreds mentions my gun was the same that just went off, goes into the room of the deceased and calls me out after IDing it. I tell him this is kos off location/weapon but he tells me he used logic because "saw me leave the room" while he didn't and confirmed in deathscene that he was still in the other room at the time of me leaving.

The very next map we get into another conflict. If I remember correctly he had killed someone rdming, and due to him killing an innocent I decided to kill him aswell as he seemed to eager to jump on the guy that took 1 shot at someone. He was indeed a T but he got very irate and kept telling me that I was in the wrong and had rdm'd him. Following that round I "rdm'd" him he decided to light an explosive barrel and pick it up and run at me with it. This ended my T round shortly after the round started. I told him this was plain and simple revenge rdm but he threw the excuse at me that "I was just running with a barrel, you were following me." This is completely wrong as he looked at a good distance away and then chased me with it and it being impossible for me to follow him as I'm backpedaling away from him for a solid few seconds. At this point with him refusing to be in the wrong I admit I became slightly hostile and toxic towards him and repeatedly told him that the rules do apply to him. After a bit of back and forth he blocked me.

i havent had the pleasure recently of experiencing 2koreds. However over the time i have seen him play the server he has proven consistently that he is one of the most toxic players frg has to offer. He has had several reports against him and every other member app he made has had a bunch of people commenting on his toxicity. He claims to be reformed but whenever there is no higher ranks than +mem he always has seemed to revert to his previous self. He also likes to say that people are just out to get him, but in reality he attacks lower levels and comments on the "iqs" of every player that joins the server. Sure we all make jokes and tease eachother, but its hardly ever meant in a serious way and if you ask people to stop they usually will. I tease and have fun with beebee and every player on the server but if beebee asks me to stop i will, ive had plenty of times beebee says he had a bad day and i leave him alone. 2koreds just bullies people from my experience. Sure its the internet Omegalul just close your eyes. Most of us come on to frg to have fun play some rounds of ttt sell our items and do our challenge scroll, we do some teasing and mess around but at no point does anyone want to join the server just to get assaulted by toxicity that ruins the entire experience. Honestly 2kored has been banned for toxicity before and constantly claims to be changed.

As far as the evidence beebee has provided 2koreds has shown he is still that same person he was, maybe a little bit better than in the past. Insulting a low level for not understanding the server not even giving him a chance. Then going as far as to say he doesnt trust +mem intelligence. The kos that was made in my opinion is perfectly fine and falls under logic (which is now allowed on the server) and to stoop as low as teabagging (in 2018 omegalul) and calling someone a moron and blocking them for them trying to explain the rules. I understand beebee may have escalated by yelling back at him but in situations like that with someone like 2koreds who wont let you get out your opinon and just scream you are wrong i understand it. And with what frosto was saying i have seen 2koreds throw numerous tantrums and resort to screaming on the server.

I personally and very obviously think something should be done about 2koreds, I dont think frg is the place to keep a toxic player like this around and hurts the community especially if he insults lower levels.

(10-24-2018, 11:42 PM)Ace Wrote:  As the one Frosto has mentioned, I have some input here.

tl;dr toxic revenge rdmer
Also yeah I was on with BeeBee and 2k was just being an ass to a lvl 5 lmao

Why does 2k bring out the essay writers in everyone

(10-25-2018, 12:05 AM)Alex Spookers Wrote:  Why does 2k bring out the essay writers in everyone

member with -1s btw

If anyone has anything to post, please be it that it is on topic with any evidence regarding 2koreds.

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