Steam Name (Current):Cobaltgeo (Chilling with music)
Steam Name (During incident):Cobaltgeo?????? (Sorry I change my name to various things every once in a while remember when I was Santabalt for months on end?)
Steam ID:STEAM_0:1:56558580
Steam Profile Link:
Name of staff you were banned by:Unpoke? Brassx?
Length of the ban:Basically Permanent
Would you like your ban shortened or repealed?:Repealed I don't even know if a Forum moderation could be shortened
Reason for ban:Being a fucking toxic idiot Again incase I need to jog anyone's memories I called everyone here Boring was a shithead told everyone I was leaving to a funny british server that I never did play on again it was super negative and then I Said Great Another Death No one will stop talking about (TotalBiscuit) and caused Unneeded Discussion in the shoutbox
Did you commit the actions stated in the ban reason?: Yes 100% and it was fucking wrong I deeply angered everyone who's trust I Re earned only to lose it again and now need to rebuild it again its a vicious fucking cycle and I hate it
What really happened?:I wasn't in the right Headspace and as I've said before I do stupid shit and it feels like My conscious is screaming 'NO YOU FUCKING IDIOT WHAT ARE YOU DOING' then I revel in disgust and anger the next day.I've learned now that while my Opinions of death will never change I should just shut up because everyone else Mourns and cries at most things that people perceive sad and its utterly terrible of me to stomp on other people's feeling and basically say 'Yeah I don't care people die all the time' while they are my opinions its fucking terrible of me to push them into other people because they do feel Loss And I understand I wanted to stomp people into the ground when they were joking about Stephen Hawkings death and it was super hypocritical of me to do this.
Additional details:Reminder about my horrible fucking mistake Recently I've found listening to music while playing TTT (And possibly other Multiplayer games but I haven't really tested it out) really helps calm my nerves and chills me out.It's a new wholesome thing I really appreciate doing.Also if possible I would like to be Unmuted on discord but I can understand If I am not
Steam Name (During incident):Cobaltgeo?????? (Sorry I change my name to various things every once in a while remember when I was Santabalt for months on end?)
Steam ID:STEAM_0:1:56558580
Steam Profile Link:
Name of staff you were banned by:Unpoke? Brassx?
Length of the ban:Basically Permanent
Would you like your ban shortened or repealed?:Repealed I don't even know if a Forum moderation could be shortened
Reason for ban:Being a fucking toxic idiot Again incase I need to jog anyone's memories I called everyone here Boring was a shithead told everyone I was leaving to a funny british server that I never did play on again it was super negative and then I Said Great Another Death No one will stop talking about (TotalBiscuit) and caused Unneeded Discussion in the shoutbox
Did you commit the actions stated in the ban reason?: Yes 100% and it was fucking wrong I deeply angered everyone who's trust I Re earned only to lose it again and now need to rebuild it again its a vicious fucking cycle and I hate it
What really happened?:I wasn't in the right Headspace and as I've said before I do stupid shit and it feels like My conscious is screaming 'NO YOU FUCKING IDIOT WHAT ARE YOU DOING' then I revel in disgust and anger the next day.I've learned now that while my Opinions of death will never change I should just shut up because everyone else Mourns and cries at most things that people perceive sad and its utterly terrible of me to stomp on other people's feeling and basically say 'Yeah I don't care people die all the time' while they are my opinions its fucking terrible of me to push them into other people because they do feel Loss And I understand I wanted to stomp people into the ground when they were joking about Stephen Hawkings death and it was super hypocritical of me to do this.
Additional details:Reminder about my horrible fucking mistake Recently I've found listening to music while playing TTT (And possibly other Multiplayer games but I haven't really tested it out) really helps calm my nerves and chills me out.It's a new wholesome thing I really appreciate doing.Also if possible I would like to be Unmuted on discord but I can understand If I am not