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Make Notifications to players private

Currently whenever I use the notifyplayer command it announces to everybody to see the message, I can't see how this is useful to anybody besides the person who is being notified.

I get that it's being monitored for misuse, but everybody does not need to see what you're notifying the player about.

It doesn't even say who is notifying the person, it just says (Someone) has notified _ (Message).
If anything it should just say in the chat that I notified the person and leave out the message.

I don't see why it would hurt for everyone to see. It helps prevent misuse, and stop completely pointless notifications. It should be used as a means to get a message across to a player when they are unresponsive/don't hear you via voice chat or see it in the chatbox via text chat. Everyone can read/hear those this is just a way to make sure the player actually reads/sees your message.

If you're not comfortable with someone seeing what you're saying in this, it's probably best to simple do it via PMs on the forums. It also does say who did it (for higher ups), and it's logged who uses it on who and with what reason.

I get your point, but it feels more direct like a private message using notify so I'm a bit uncomfortable when it's just displayed and everyone who is playing just read it out through their microphones. It seems really unnecessary especially when it's already logged.

Guess if I'm not comfortable with it being shown I shouldn't say it? It will take some getting used to but I've got to say it's a nice system (especially to warn people who have me blocked)

then dont use it

- That Thrakos Noob

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