First off I just want to note the customizer for the models was a stroke of genius and I can't wait to dive into making the dumbest looking character on the server, however I think it could be expanded into something better.
- Spending Rubies for Accessories -
Currently Rubies can only be spent on one thing and that's rolls, I wouldn't be surprised if it's already planned/in development to spend Rubies on accessories but if not, well it should happen cause they are purely aesthetic after all.
- Multiple Props -
When you buy an accessory you can only place one of that prop, I can understand why it's a feature since placing infinite of one prop can lead to a lot of abuse (Walking man blob of lights makes a very hard target...) However, there is a way to balance this: Similar to how your inventory works you could purchase an accessory, and you can only place one for every prop you bought. Kinda like buying item crates, you use as many as you purchased HOWEVER: For every purchase of a prop, to buy another of the same kind its price increases by 50%. EG: Buy a Melon, place the melon on your character, go to buy another however it costs you 150 Coins instead of 100, etc etc.
Also, something I thought up while we chatted (Which I've thought up before), Rare Accessory drops! You know how they can transfer to inventory for trading, right? Well, what if you could find "Special" versions as drops? (You could equip them along with the store-bought ones and stuff.) These "Rare" versions would have different features; - Maybe more common ones would have simple color changes, and special-er ones would glow or emit halos of light, maybe have mini-trails of their own. It'd add some new stuff to trade!
I like both of your guys's ideas, i think another thing to add would be a max of 3 placed per item, also keeping the max of like 6 or something maximum placed total to avoid hatspam...
Maybe, but some people have ambitions. I want to make every limb on my body into a melon or something similar, and if rare accessories are added eventually upgrade them make them pulsating, glowing, or a different color for example.
But I can understand a limit if put in place, maybe like 8 or 10? There should at least be a size limit cause I've noticed people becoming gigantic walking spotlights and a pretty much not existent hit box because of that.
Guys, we cant add so much stuff, they are already messing up being able to see where the body eeven is, and if smoeone makes a fullbody melonman, its going to be insanely hard to hit, i like a few addons to the customizer, but 8 or 10 per item and glowing and colors and stuff is just too much i think.
01-09-2015, 05:13 PM (This post was last modified: 01-09-2015, 05:15 PM by Brassx.)
First off, I have basically all of those features planned. I had drops planned from the get-go. All the unique/super cool stuff will be drops.
I was going to make a limit of how many of one item you could have, giving each accessory a specific limit(one with a lot of vertices would cause more lag, if there were too many), each time you'd buy one, it would add a new one to the shop at an increased price until you're at the max.
Rubies for items were already planned since the start too, I just haven't got around to adding it just yet, as I figured most donators would want to get item crates.
(01-09-2015, 05:06 PM){PSG} Maximus3131 Wrote: Guys, we cant add so much stuff, they are already messing up being able to see where the body eeven is, and if smoeone makes a fullbody melonman, its going to be insanely hard to hit, i like a few addons to the customizer, but 8 or 10 per item and glowing and colors and stuff is just too much i think.
You can disable showing the accessories for players in F1>Settings(soon will make it so you can disable for specific players).
Another thing I've been messing around with is colorization of weapons. This could be an item you buy in the coinshop that goes to your inventory, you use it on a weapon of your choice and pick a color you'd like your weapon to be shaded.