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Poll: Limit amount of equipped coinshop items.
Yes, limit to around 10-15 items
Yes limit to 20-30 equipped items.
Yes, but have the limit fairly high.
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Limit amount of equipped Coinshop items?

I've been noticing a lot of people have a shitload of items equipped. With new optimization options(and new update netcode for editing coming in the next update wave) in the f1>settings menu (Render distance for cs items), this isn't as big of a problem. However, having a max amount you can equip at once would definitely have increased performance for those that have coinshop items enabled, and the render distance fairly high.

So we will poll it here.

To be fair, with the new render option, I don't get performance issues anymore from coinshop items, and if someone is still getting performance issues, they can just disable them completely.

I was thinking limiting the amount of coinshop items just so people dont look like a random blob of objects that got stuck together.

Between the render option coming up and the option to turn off coinshop items, I don't see too much of a point if we're looking for an optimizing standpoint.
To me, thats like removing high resolution and only having low so everyone can handle it when the option for both already exists

- That Thrakos Noob

I should also clarify, this would help with not just FPS performance, but it would also help networking performance a bit. Networking equipped items effects everyone, not just those who have coinshop enabled (so you can turn them on/off at will, instantly without having to request an update from the server).

I like collecting coinshop items and wearing them all. I currently have around 25 equipped so I don't support a limit, I love my accessories.

This is another rare time I agree 100% with mcnuggie. People should just get introuble for slapping massive accessories everywhere they can (Minehuis)

Edit: Actually, if you do make a limit, make it so people can still use more than the limit but it has to be accepted by staff in order for it to work. (Some sort of preview gui would be in there also so they know what it looks like)
"Closest thing I have had to alcohol is chocolate milk... Don't quote me on that!"
"Please somebody use this as a signature to remember this day."-Catbug

How about this? [Just an idea I had, don't really care either way what happens]

Everyone starts off with limited coinshop item slots (10 or 15 or some arbitrary lowish number). The number of slots can be expanded just like your bank on the lobby through gift package drops and whatever.

By saving network performance does that me we can add back in those sexy death scenes? That shit was super helpful

This is oppressing my god given right as an american to use as many goddamn accessories as I very well fucking please.

You fucking socialist and your goddamn free college are taxing my rights and frankly I'm not standing for this. We need to make FRG great again.

No but, I think that you should make an option client side to limit the the total amount of props you can see at one or limit it per person client side as well.

Thank you, #Trump2016

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