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Increase max. Karma

Shitigamis aren't bad. :L
Also, I didn't said 2000
And the idea is not about BEING rdm'ed, but about ACCIDENTALLY "rdming" someone - let's say, for starters, somebody false KOSed you & you need to defend - because of his false KOS, you'll loose plenty of karma.
2. An RDMer comes in & goes banging you - you don't know if he's a T or an RDMer, but you know he's killing you - you finish him before he - you, and you find out that you lost karma because of an RDMer.
3. Circlejerks - they love banging you, so you need to defend - if you've been a good boy, you won't suffer that much damage decrease from them.

Though, the minuses are the inverted variants, it's still better to be able to have more karma than this, since it gets easily drained from 1 bad kill - even if you kill a T later, you still loose ~100 karma, which is just plain bad.

Also, you spawn with 1500 on WOGs - you spawn with 1000 here - 1500 to 2000 & 1000 to 1250/1300 isn't that bad.

I know you didnt say 2000, but someone else did. Im saying that high is bad, but instead of 1150 like 1250 would be ok. But the problem is, you are never going to get rid of loss of karma to rdmers, it just cant be done without a insanely huge script that can probably be exploited, in my eyes i would say the karma is fine at 1150 maybe make it 1250, but 1500 or 2000 or something high like that is just not good. I killed two people who shot at me, and didnt even go below 1000 with the 1150 max we have now.

I say maybe only around 1500, because it'd be really nice to have a little more karma when you need it. :L

I'd love to have more karma than right now.

You accidentally kill someone, listen to a bad kos or two and your Karma is screwed for 10+ rounds.

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