Age: 14
Steam Name(Current): TobiasX
Time played on servers?(!time username to check): Longer than you fags
Where did you hear about this server?: BrassX
Have you ever been banned and why?: Karma banned cuz yolo
Why do you want to join?: Because this community is over 9000 in swag
Referred by: Myself
Additional Details: My mum could rek brass' mum in a fite
Steam Name(Current): TobiasX
Time played on servers?(!time username to check): Longer than you fags
Where did you hear about this server?: BrassX
Have you ever been banned and why?: Karma banned cuz yolo
Why do you want to join?: Because this community is over 9000 in swag
Referred by: Myself
Additional Details: My mum could rek brass' mum in a fite