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Frost | The Ice Kid - Membership Application

Age: 19

Steam Name(Current): Frost | The Ice Kid

Time played on servers?(!time username to check): 50 Hours (TTT) 4 Hours (Lobby)

Where did you hear about this server?: Back In 2019 iirc

Have you ever been banned and why?: No

Why do you want to join?: I'd like to join as I wanna call FRG my home as I am trying to start and become a regular here and become extremely active, and I wanna take the next step to help me do that, I am starting to understand a lot of FRG's content and how it works now so I wanna be able to help new players as well.

Referred by: N/A

Additional Details: N/A

gotta be real bro
idk who you are
I've barely played with you

hasnt rly caused any problems in ttt, have seen him on for a day or two, would just recommend playing for a few more days like you have and people will warm up to you

Ive seen him around. Not alot but ive seen him occasionally. +1 since im sure by the time this gets accepted he will be more productive Big Grin

+0 do you use a different name on TTT or something? I feel like i have to be the person thats played hte most the past 2-3 weeks and even i dont know who you are.

Edit: Change to +1, Frost is a fine player doesnt really cause any problems

(02-09-2021, 02:06 AM)Divine Wrote:  +0 do you use a different name on TTT or something? I feel like i have to be the person thats played hte most the past 2-3 weeks and even i dont know who you are.

Frost The Ice Prince

+1 I've seen them around. Don't cause no issues, play just fine

I've seen him on a fair amount, +1.

Im trying to be more active on discord as well as the servers (I’m frost) so thanks for all the advice.

Frost is a good player who hasn't caused any problems. As far as I'm concerned great member material! +1

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