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Poll: Should developers receive payment for their work?
Yes, developers should be given a copy of what they make or have a big part in making.
No, developers should not receive any reward or payment for what they make.
Yes, developers should be given a copy of what they make or have a big part in making, but the item should be non-tradeable.
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Should developers receive a copy of their work?


A question came up on weather or not a developer should or should not receive a copy of what they created or had a large part in creating. I'm defining developer as someone who has created something physical to be used in the server (skins, models, animations, etc..) I'm not making this thread for those who buy forerunner tiers or make suggestions on the forums. Currently I do receive one copy of the coinshop accessories I make for you guys but recently Brass and myself have completed the railgun that I've had up on my development thread for sometime. I can say now that its pretty sick and i'm excited to see it in the server, but I have put a considerable amount of time into the model and animations so they are that they can be the best of my ability. Should I and future developers receive a copy of what they have had a large part in developing? I'm not only making this thread for me but for anyone else who wants to start making content for the server. I can't tell you how discouraging it is to spend so much time on something and get nothing to show for it. And i'm not expecting devs to get something for everything they do. An example being the item crate and gift crate icon I modeled in which I receive nothing and am completely fine with.

TL;DR- Its discouraging to developers if they do not receive some kind of payment for the work they do. Should or Shouldn't they get a copy of what they make?


Well, I think that you put a lot of work into your stuff, but if something is made to be "Super ultra cool" then it wouldn't be fair for someone to get one right off of the bat.

However, if they got a copy of an item that they couldn't trade or give away, simply for personal use (Maybe these items cold literally be un-tradeable?), then it would be fair. Otherwise I don't think ANY items should EVER artificially be implemented into the system. Once you go down that road, we're all going to be donating for Thrakos' in a month.

I think they should get some kind of reward, but I don't feel they should get what they created.

Another thing that would be neat would be kind of a system that counts how many things a person has developed and it would be displayed somewhere. Or it could be based on how much effort and time you put into an item, based on 1 point for a small item, 2 points for a medium item, and 4 points for a large and difficult item. But I'm not sure if we actually have enough people who create physical stuff for this to be worthwhile. Also on the side they would get a reward.

In general I think they should get a pretty good reward, but not the item directly. It can spoil the surprise in my eyes.

I can't really vote in the poll though as there is no "yes Developers Should be given a reward, but not the item they made." option.

Like we've talked about before ages ago when you started developing models, you asked if you got one of the items you've made, and I said no because it would kill the meta of the game, and possibly give expectations to those who suggest things that get implemented, that they will receive the item they came up with.(Which is why you stated above that only those who made something 'physical').

I agree with rewards, but I still am not really sure about rewarding the exact item you modeled. If anything, making it untradeable would do, but it would still ruin some of the surprise if you had it from day 1(although it could allow good testing of it).

I suggested a custom badge that lists everything he's made, but maybe some of you can come up with a better reward?(Maybe custom model, accessory, or something that only HE can have?)

I hated that people got an item they suggested on NTG, just because I did it one time, everyone expected to get it, and I got tired of people whining about it when I said no. I don't want it to become like that here.

(04-26-2015, 07:44 PM)Brassx Wrote:  I agree with rewards, but I still am not really sure about rewarding the exact item you modeled. If anything, making it untradeable would do, but it would still ruin some of the surprise if you had it from day 1(although it could allow good testing of it).

The item could be made to only drop for the creator when someone had unboxed it or opened it

I fully agree with getting something that you created I myself was happy to see that you had gotten the props you made for the coin shop because I know that stuff isn't easy and you deserve something for all your work and your giving to the server so even if you don't get what you've made or contributed to a lot you should get some fashion of reward.

Just give him a subscription to a weird anime website and renew it everytime something else is made

I voted for #2, not #3 by accident. Dammit. Can my vote be switcherood?


But if people get the items they spent hours making for the server, then what will the people without it do?!?!!?! You can't just give a cosmetic to one person and not the others!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Cosmetics are super important!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!​!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!​!!!!!!!

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