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Just gunna throw this out.

(04-20-2015, 01:43 AM)MatlaS Wrote:  
(04-19-2015, 08:24 PM)TheEpicZephyr Wrote:  Wait didnt you leave like 3 days ago

No. Did your wits?


Fuck with me
Fuck the max 2 image limit. (Imagine happy asian guy here)

1. Can we please avoid a flame war, I already have third degree burns from other threads.

2. If you want this to be a report then fill it out like a report. You say you don't want him banned, yet you later post that you want him banned.

3. I wish you had gotten a screenshot of him calling out gay people and you did egg him on by telling him to fuck himself which doesn't help any situation. Also if you do make this into a report I can go look at the logs to see if he attempted to RDM bear as well.

4. It's best to remove words like prick and fuck from your vocabulary when directly talking to people because it sends off an aggressive tone. It's ok to say that with friends and such (depending on your friends), but to say it to people CONSTANTLY is usually going to give you many problems.

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