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Slanderman_ member app

Age: 21

Steam Name(Current): Slanderman_

Time played on servers? (!time username to check): 1000+ hours 500 into 500 in lobby 60 in tribbers, etc

Where did you hear about this server? I played on NTG quite a lot back in the early 2010s and then was told about this server and didn't play on it till a bit later in 2018 which I only played for a small amount of time and then a lot more in 2021 forward.

Have you ever been banned and why?: No

Why do you want to join?: I took a break from Gmod and now I'm back and only playing FRG when playing Gmod

Referred by: N/A

Cool guy, never had a problem with him. Played the server for an ungodly amount of hours +1

just as shocked to find out that slander isn't a member. 10/10 cool dude! +1

He's quite chill. I've played in the lobby and TTT with him. Very friendly and helpful. +1

I thought this dude was member already... +1

+1 hes alright, no bad interactions with them



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