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Unban appeal (Granabis)

Steam Name (Current):Impaulsive #1 Podcast

Steam Name (During incident): Impaulsive #1 Podcast

Steam ID:Steam ID: 76561199416907009

Steam Profile Link: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199416907009/

Name of staff you were banned by: Brassx

Length of the ban: Permanent

Would you like your ban shortened or repealed?: ban repealed

Reason for ban: ban evasion multiple occasions

Did you commit the actions stated in the ban reason?: Yes.

What really happened? My very first account name for the server was granabis. this could've been 4-5 years ago. My behavior to everyone was very toxic, very self-centered and I would argue with someone for lengths with no end, That was my very first ban offence, it was permanent with no chance to appeal, I've made it to where I can't really get anyone to side with me because people way back when know how I acted and how I wouldn't ever shut up, so my chance at an unban is slim, and I can't stop getting the urge to come back on even when people don't want me, I want to apologize over and over again for ban evading, but at what point can I get my second chance to not hide and have fun on the server with everyone else. I want it really badly. there'll be no more ban evasions, no more lies and hate. I want this to be my last try at getting back with everyone and to show I'm not such a dickhead anymore. I really enjoy this server Brassx and Head staff, I'm sorry, please consider my appeal, this is one server I'm really attached to and I'd hate to lose the chance to play it ever again. thank you for reading
Additional details:

I gotta be real with you bro, I saw your appeals on NFT and the next week after you were unbanned (like 2 times btw) you immediately went back to your old self.

Bro move on already

hey this granabis guy sucks but what did Impaulsive #1 Podcast ever do?!

get a load of this guy!

ban evading is never the answer and puts you in a horrible light, especially doing it multiple times.. definitely shouldn't be allowed back. -1

(10-25-2022, 05:57 AM)Not John Smith Wrote:  ban evading is never the answer and puts you in a horrible light, especially doing it multiple times.. definitely shouldn't be allowed back. -1

I wish I didn't have to Ban Evade you know. I've made 5-6 appeals in the past 5 years since 2018, each time i did ban evade, and you can take this however you want, i don't think ban evading is the worst rule break, I didn't ban evade and keep being toxic and making everyone miserable, i ban evaded so i could enjoy the server again. and you can't say not once have i been toxic on an alt account, I've been quiet, I've been grinding ttt and lobby events with people, trying to have fun. all i am asking is to consider a second chance for me, so i can actually be Granabis and play the game again. it's been 5 years dude.

we made a whole ass system for your toxicity stay banned

Just ruined the MINIMAL chance you had at an unban, congrats.    

cmon bruh    

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