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TheLogImusPrime-giv member

Age: 19(just like my idol fart knocker 11)

Steam Name(Current): TheLogImusPrime

Time played on servers?(!time username to check): 700+ all combined, just under 500 ttt

Where did you hear about this server?: browsing ttt category

Have you ever been banned and why?: no

Why do you want to join?: i dont wanna be a non member plebian anymore

-1 not just like his idol fartknocker :/
+1 fr log been here a while and while he does test the limits of what's allowed and not allowed for innos to do, deserves member

+1 gives me a good chuckle from time to time, haven't had issues with Log

+1 not a bad dude at all, I’d even categorize him as a good dude. I’ve never had problems with log and haven’t seen him lose his cool even once. Plus, you can tell that he cares a lot for FRG. Pretty easy +1.


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