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Ban apeal

Steam Name (Current): D3TREX

Steam Name (During incident): D3TREX <- Steam D3TREX#1717 <- Discord

Steam ID: https://steamcommunity.com/id/D3TREXS/

Steam Profile Link: https://steamcommunity.com/id/D3TREXS/

Name of staff you were banned by: no fuckn idea

Length of the ban: Perma or banned idk fuck knows

Would you like your ban shortened or repealed?: yes idk wtf I was banned for says null my friend tango says some thought I was cheating I would like to see vids I can also stream if that helps open to suggestions.

Reason for ban: suspect of cheating???

Did you commit the actions stated in the ban reason?: no got my ass kicked my suess because he's a fukn sweat

I am from nz also so forget my swearing its just how I am Smile

My little yarn

Was just wondering why I was banned do you have videos of proof for anything I really want to keep playing. iv been playing this game a while and fuck that guy suess he's pretty good was smashing me but anyone please respond fast so I can jump back on my favourite server cheers.

1. formatting
2. You've been banned from other servers for cheating

Can't even take the time to make a proper appeal, really shows how much you love this server : )

(Your steam id is STEAM_0:1:73913178 btw)

L+Ratio+Skill Issue+Your Mother

umm wtf is that video shows nothing I have never been banned from a server before so idk what to do about this I just copied the other appeal come in discord if u got a problem and wanna talk idk.

the shots dont look super sus because spectating is usually jank but you were tracking seuss through a wall....
im not saying you are cheating but if i saw this clip without any context i would assume you were cheating...

(02-08-2022, 08:30 AM)PandaCow Wrote:  the shots dont look super sus because spectating is usually jank but you were tracking seuss through a wall....
im not saying you are cheating but if i saw this clip without any context i would assume you were cheating...

It doesn't show tracking I just aim at the wall not even at him u can see it in the video?

Whether or not the clip above is cheating, I watched you kill nacrova through the fog across the map from the boat while he was swimming in water, you can't even see a outline

-1 minor spelling mistake

Hey, Lee if you could please show a video of this that would be great of my shot through the fog and u can see him.

Do you not have shadow play to show these hacks I have apparently.


Unfortunately I missed my clip window because I didn't realize what I had just seen happen, doesn't discount what I've said at all,

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