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Hween suggestions

Curse of immortality: misc (5-15%) chance on death to respawn as a ghoul, ghost or zombie after a few seconds (The round would end if you would become the last traitor). You become a traitor if respawned and can proc it upon death, multiple times.
Ghost - same as tathanen ability but you are blood red and fly slightly faster
Zombie - You cannot infect people but melee only and are fast.
Ghoul - Armed with a shovel, slow, tanky but deal incredible damage. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1378805806&searchtext=grave playermodel.

Blood pact: (misc, crystal variant)
50% chance to set your health to 1. This will ignore lethal damage if procced. (at 100 hp, take 1 damage and it procs now you're at 1 hp, next shot that doesn't proc will kill you. Works with exe axe)

Screamnade: Grenade that tags anyone within a semi-large radius before sending delayed flaming pumpkins from the epicenter of the explosion to track them through walls (one after the other), and set the user ablaze and jumpscare them, number of pumpkins and speed of tracking depends on how close you were to the epicenter.

i fuck with the idea of a sion passive

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